Writing Tips for a Better Ranking

Content marketing has always played a huge role in search engine ranking. And it will continue in 2016 and beyond. But not all of us are great writers. On this post, let’s take a look at how you can improve your writing for a better ranking.
Optimize the Title
It’s the anchor text that will pull visitors in from the SERPs. Make sure that your title has targeted keywords. Opt for targeted keywords. Add actionable keywords, like a step-by-step guide or updated. They have nothing to do with your SERP, but they can increase your CTR and, eventually, your ranking factor.
Add Keywords to Meta and Post
When you add keywords, make sure that they don’t appear stuffed. To get ranked on Google, try adding related keywords in your content with similar search value. Keep in mind that search engines are smart, and they know what a competitive keyword stuffed article is. It’s also ideal to use alt tags to describe to the search engine what the picture is about.
Insert internal links
It’s one of the safest and fastest ways to get backlinks. This method will also help the search engine find old posts. They can also show related posts to the visitors.
When you promise something on your title, make sure that you carry it. In other words, avoid link bait. It will help you avoid making promises that you can’t keep. If you state on your title that you’re going to write about Matt Cutts, stay true to your word and deliver it by writing essential facts about Matt Cutts.
Write for others
Although several SEO experts are saying that guest blogging is dead, it’s far from dead. You can use guests posts to emphasize your relevant posts. When your post appears on an authoritative site, your blog’s ranking will boost while your search engine’s visibility will improve.
It’s also ideal that you comment on blogs. However, ensure that the blogs are relevant to your niche. In this way, you can prevent your site from being flagged by Google. This trick will also improve your bounce rate. In other words, make sure that your comment is related to the topic and leave a meaningful comment. Your post can get indexed faster while you’re getting higher referral traffic from those sites.
These writing tips for a better ranking are not absolute. Some of them may fail while others will help you succeed. Experiment on several tricks on how to improve your writing to achieve a better search engine ranking.
If you want to know more about content marketing, please call one of our representatives here (855) 605-7361