Why is CBD SEO So Difficult?

Full Service Digital Marketing Company in Los Angeles Website Depot

Perhaps CBD SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is so difficult because it is fairly new and untested ground for online marketers. Perhaps it is because drugs are illegal in some countries, so international marketing is tough, and perhaps it is just because CBD is a difficult thing to promote online. If you are looking to do a little CBD marketing online, then weave in some paid advertisements too because it may be a few years before quick mainstream online success becomes easy for CBD marketers.

Who Are You Marketing To?

If you are marketing to cancer patients as a way to help them eat without throwing up, then market your services the same way you would your other medications. If you are trying to market the drug for other ailments, then you need to be a little sneakier. You need to catch people when they are having an ailment. For example, if you are saying that your drugs help people with a bad back, then get your adverts on websites that offer solutions to having a bad back.

Promoting Recreational Use

The nutty thing is that most CBD marketing and SEO is centered around the idea of marketing CBD as a medical aid when most people are buying it because it is fun. As a result, many SEO marketers avoid the “Fun” angle and then wonder why they are finding their CBD SEO so difficult. Stop literally allowing the alcohol industry to have all the fun. You may want to bite the bullet and simply market your product as something that is fun. The alcohol industry is just as destructive as the recreational drug industry, and the alcohol industry leans very heavily into the “This is fun” angle. You should strongly consider doing the same.

Working With What Works

When you promote your CBD products through SEO, then you need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Your tactics may differ, but your self-improvement methods should stay the same. Run small tests, see which get the most attention, and then build on those to maximize their impact. It isn’t about jumping up to page one on Google. It is about getting attention and making sales, figuring out what works, and then improving on it to build a stronger SEO profile. It is true that some things you do may take a long time to manifest into sales and search engine attention but take that into account when you are looking at your analytics and forming future campaign plans.

You Need Help From Seasoned Professionals

We are still entering a new SEO atmosphere when it comes to legalized drugs. Just like the alcohol industry, the thing on sale does cause a lot of damage and can lead to addiction, so some companies are looking to steer clear of it. We don’t have years of SEO information on legalized drugs in the same way we do for carpets and sofas. You are entering a fairly new and fertile ground when you do your CBD SEO. As a result, you need a seasoned and professional SEO company to help you navigate this new world of online search engine marketing. That is why you need the help of Website Depot Inc. Get in touch today and start building a plan for a better future and a more powerful SEO campaign for your website and social media profile.