Why Are Case Studies So Important to Web Marketing? 

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They’re evidence. In short, that’s what case studies can provide. So much in advertising can be exaggerated, “spun,” or in some cases, even faked. But, case studies, if you think about it, really can’t. Sure, they can be embellished here and there. Yet, for the most part, a case study shows how a company was able to do the job or they weren’t. As a writer/podcast host at our omnichannel web marketing in Los Angeles company, I’m proud of what we’ve done and what we’re doing. That’s something else case studies can show. 


That’s a very brief summary of how these can help. Remember: a case study is good for any business that’s going to advertise online. That’s true regardless of your industry. Whether you’re an attorney, work at a rehab/treatment center, sell t-shirts, run a store, or anything else, it’s important to show folks that you’re good at what you do. In this context, “folks” includes not just users but Google, too. 


Facts That Can Be Checked 


When you’re trying to find a service/product, how often do you read some version of how one company or another is “the best?” Or, even if they don’t say that, they say “offer the best quality,” “the highest caliber,” or something similar? If you’re like me, quite often. Sometimes, even I’ll write that, too – but only if I can back it up. Case studies are one way to be able to back it up. 


That’s true for many reasons, not the least of which is that a case study can be checked. When you read a case study about a client, you can find the client. Even if the client/service is confidential, you’ll at least be able to read enough details to let you know if the case study is legit or not. 


Sure, some details can be faked, etc. But, if you have even a little bit of media literacy, you can tell the difference between true details and exaggerated/made up ones. A good case study is one that someone can read (or even skim) on your site and immediately think: “I can trust these people.” How do you get there? 


The Number One Tip Regarding Case Studies in Marketing 


Tell a story. 


That’s what all of your case studies should do. Tell a story. Here’s the best part: if you have a successful case study, you have a great story to tell. 


Regardless of what industry you’re in, what product/service you provide, every case study could have the same title: How Our Company Solved Our Customer’s Problem.


That’s it. That’s what a good case study should do. It’s a personal injury attorney helping someone hurt in a car accident to recover their maximum compensation. It’s also an omnichannel web marketing in LA company helping a rehab/treatment center to rank higher on Google and thus fill all of its rooms. A good case study is a successful, happy story of your business helping someone. 


So, like so many good stories, it needs conflict and a happy resolution. You have someone who needs “saved” (that would be the client/customer/who you helped). Be sure to make their problem clear. There’s something that brought them to your business. Make that as easy to understand as possible. 


Then, go into how you solved the problem. Show that as clearly as possible. That’s a case study.


What’s great about case studies is that you can use them in so many ways. Yes, they make for fine blogs. But, they’re also great for videos, podcasts, TikToks, Instagram Reels – if there’s a platform where your business can engage in promotion, case studies can be powerful, helpful tools. 


How to Write Better Case Studies 


If you’ve never done a case study before, it can be easy to get stuck halfway through. You have the client’s problem and you have how you solved it – that may not feel like enough. You might think some version of: “I want to do a case study, but all I have is one paragraph or even one sentence.” What makes a case study even better? Details. 


The more details you go into with your case study, the better it’ll be. Be specific. Be specific in the problem, yes, but be sure to be specific in how you solved it, too. That’s the part where you demonstrate your authority. That’s where you show just how good you are at what you do. 


When a potential customer/client reads a case study, you want them to know that you’re an expert, that you can be trusted. The more details you put in demonstrating your expertise, the better your case study will be. 


Web Marketing in LA That’s Ready to Help 


We can help you to put together case studies, of course. If you’re looking for help with your web marketing, we have plenty of case studies from our satisfied clients on our site, too. I’m a content creator/podcast host for the company, but I’m very grateful to just be one member of a team. With our team of SEO experts, Google Ads professionals, and web developers/designers, we can help your company to get to the next level. 


To see how we can help, schedule a free consultation today.