What Your Business Can Learn from In-Home Care Marketing

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Senior care.
Just about everyone will have to deal with it sooner or later.
What are you going to do with your parents and your other elderly loved ones? Each generation, sooner or later, has to face this.
As with just about everything else, it will be different now.
This great article I came across today flat out sadly: “one out of every five residents will be senior citizens by the year 2030.”
That’s not all that far away right now.
Just as with everything else, marketing will play a crucial part.
Your company may have nothing to do with senior care. But, there’s always something you can learn from seeing how another industry does their online marketing. As Noel said on a recent podcast, more or less: “you can always be inspired by something, even if it has nothing to do with what you’re doing.” Even if it just gets you thinking in a new way, or exploring new ideas, it’s valuable.
Techniques New and Old
Much of what’s covered in this article is stuff that you probably already know.
Your web design is important, your SEO is too, and so forth.
However, what was interesting to me was how “traditional marketing campaigns have been a staple of the home health care industry for ages, and postcards, paper flyers, and brochures are still in use today.”
The article then goes on to tell home health care providers that they need to expand beyond that.
However, if you’ve read Danny’s book, then you know that your business should consider getting back into those traditional methods.
Sure, SEO, digital marketing, all of that is critically important. However, a great flyer, a tremendous brochure, a bus stop ad that really stands out – these are never going out of style. They will always provide great value to you and your business.
We’ve helped so many clients with those, too.
Can’t Make it Too Easy to Use Your Site/Contact You
In this article, the author explains that you should “make sure your website is mobile responsive. Adapt the design so potential customers can read it easily on mobile phones and tablets.”
That’s critical, of course, in the home health care industry. Many of the people using the site are going to be seniors, not native to online, so to speak, and thus may struggle.
However, that’s good advice no matter who your customer base is.
You can’t make your site “too easy” to use. You can’t make it “too mobile responsive.” By making your site as simple to use as possible, you can draw in more customers than ever. That’s true whether you’re going for seniors or anyone else.
To help with this or anything else, our professional web design & SEO agency is here. For more: (888) 477-9540.