What You Should Expect from Attorney SEO 

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Have you been considering attorney SEO but don’t know if the time is right for it? Are you unsure about what occurs between “improving your SEO” and “getting more clients for your firm?” These are valid questions. Many of our attorney clients have told us about how they worked with other digital marketing agencies and just accepted what members of the agency told them. 

So, they accepted mediocre results. They learned to live with receiving less than they hoped for. We don’t believe attorneys should have to do that. Rather, there are some effects of SEO that you should absolutely expect. Sure, it may take a few months for them to fully come to fruition. But, you should have high expectations for competent lawyer SEO efforts. 

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Increase Organic Traffic and Continue Increasing for a Long Period of Time 

Yes, SEO is the very epitome of something that does not occur “overnight,” or even very quickly. It can take months. But, one of the best parts of attorney SEO is that it can drive organic traffic to your site for several weeks, for several months, or, (as in the case of many of our clients) for many years. 

There are two parts to this. First, all of your SEO has to be completely done properly. That means your website, on-page/off-page optimization, keyword research and utilization, content marketing, and so much more. All of that has to work together, in tandem, to help your firm to climb the SEO rankings. 

But, once you’ve done that, great SEO can help you to stay up there as well. That way, you’re continually getting all those clicks that come as part of being towards the top of the rankings. This requires maintaining your position, making improvements and tweaks to your website when necessary, continually researching your keywords and shifting strategies when necessary, creating and publishing great content, and much more. With all of that, you can dominate SEO for a long, long time. 

A Website that Provides a Great Experience 

The right SEO strategy for your firm (regardless of what kind of law you practice, where your form is located, and so forth) will absolutely include getting the most out of your website. For that to take place, your site has to be as well-designed as possible. 

That means your website fits your brand, of course. But it also means that your website provides an excellent user experience. For example, it has to be responsive, so that your users can open it on any kind of device quickly and easily. Speaking of “quickly and easily,” your site’s infrastructure has to be designed in such a way that any user can find what they’re looking for within seconds. 

While it may not seem “fair,” the above are major factors that users (as well as Google) are going to judge your website on. All of your keyword research and the like is designed to draw users to your website. So, you want them to be able to get something out of it when they arrive there. 

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Reach More Potential Clients Than Ever Before With Your Brand 

For many attorneys, this is what SEO is all really about. SEO, in and of itself, can’t get someone to “convert,” to sign with your firm. But, what it can do, is to put you in front of more potential clients who are looking for a firm like yours. Or, alternatively, they’re interested in the law that you practice and want to know more. 

With that, you’ll have a much, much better chance of getting conversions. At that point, it becomes a numbers game: the more people click on your site, the more likely you are to have more people sign up with your firm. 

Indeed, this is all the more reason to focus on “local SEO.” You don’t need phone calls and clicks from people far outside of your geographic area, as they’ll be very unlikely to become your client. By focusing on your local SEO, utilizing those long-tail keywords that matter to your region, bolstering your Google My Business profile, and more, you can climb the Google Rankings that matter in your neighborhood. 

An Impressive Display of Authority

Google (and Google user) rank websites like yours on their authority, on their authoritativeness. You can always improve this through your content, of course. By putting out top-quality content, showing you know the law inside and out, explaining complicated topics in a simple, easy-to-follow manner and more, you demonstrate your authority in a real, tangible way. 

Of course, you don’t just want to do that through blogs (although they are important). Landing pages, how-to pages, and more are also important. You don’t want to limit yourself to the written word, either. Video marketing and podcasts can be just as beneficial to your SEO goals. 

Some of the ways to best improve your authority aren’t 100% in your control, but the more good work you do the more likely you are to get a boost from them. Backlinks can be a great boon to your SEO. Organic backlinks from trusted, authority-laden sites can help your SEO as much as (if not more) than so much else. 

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Attorney SEO Experts 

The above are just some of what you should expect from your SEO. This is true whether you’re doing it yourself or you’re working with a digital marketing agency. However, if you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to find it very difficult to excel with all of the above while also getting your own work done, too. 

That’s where we can come in. Here at Website Depot, we’ve helped attorneys who practice many different kinds of law to get the most out of everything we mentioned in this blog and so much more. To discover how our experts can use attorney SEO to drive traffic to your firm, call us at (888) 477-9540.