What You Can Do for Your Business During COVID-19: From Our Customers 


Here at Website Depot, we’re lucky to work with companies that aren’t just great, they’re cleverly run, too. Every business in every industry has been impacted by the pandemic in some way. Some of our most successful customers during this time are those that were able to adjust their business to better help their customers right now. Examples from our digital marketing clients include:  


Restaurants: Online Delivery. 


Folks don’t want to go outside. At-risk people genuinely can’t. But, many still want to support local businesses while eating well. Making it possible to order online can be a boost for your business as well as your customers. We can help. 


In-Home Services: Hazmat Suits (or Something Similar) 


People are still going to need their places cleaned, their HVAC units repaired, and so forth. But, they’re going to be hyper-vigilant about anyone who comes into their home. Obviously, you’re doing everything you can to keep yourself as well as your employees and customers safe. Consider going even further: hazmat suits and more. It’s worth it. 


Clothing Stores: eCommerce Boost


This pandemic won’t last forever. Eventually, it will be summer, and people are going to want to look good. You want them to be wearing your clothes when they do go out, or when they have a video call with someone they want to look good for. So, this is a great time to get your website rebuilt. More people are shopping online right now, and a new website can absolutely catch their eye. That also makes it a great time to roll out new promotions and even new products, if you can. On top of that, people are going to want to be involved, to be heard, to connect to others. Several of our most successful clients now offer video chat, which allows them to connect to customers (and potential customers) better than before.

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Lawyers/Doctors: Video Chat with Clients


Instead of someone coming to your office unnecessarily, let them talk to you from home. They want to hear from you, they want to talk to you, but they want to do so safely. Video chat is a perfect way to hold important meetings while keeping everyone’s mind at ease. Unsure how it works? We can set it up for you. 


Private Gym Instructors/Yoga Instructors/Comedians/Performers: Online Streaming and Website Upgrades 


Performance arts have been dealt a harsh blow by this pandemic. That said, there are still ways to keep the lights on. This is the perfect time to upgrade your website as well as your online streaming. People still want to be entertained, they still want to work out and learn, but they have to be reached in a different fashion. This is one more area that we can assist with. 


Ideas for All Industries: 


Really, any kind of company can livestream on social media. Your company, your employees, yourself – everyone has something that can be of value in this moment. Maybe it’s a “how-to” video. Perhaps it’s some kind of explanation about what goes into your business. It could even be advice for your customers. Podcasts are a great way to grow and hang onto an audience, as our YouTube videos and newsletters. If you’re still looking for ideas, we’re always glad to help.