What Can Local SEO Do for Rehab Centers?

Help more of the people who need help in your area. Properly crafted and executed local SEO for rehab centers, detoxification clinics, and the like can do so much to help both the medical facilities as well as those in need. However, as you may know, if you’ve ever tried SEO yourself, it can be a challenge. We’ve helped many rehab treatment centers to get the most from their SEO over the years.
There are several reasons that SEO can help your rehab, treatment center, sober living, halfway house, and the like to stand out from the rest. Moreover, local SEO can help yours to stand out from the rest in your specific area.
Be Seen By the People You Want to See Your Rehab Center
Local SEO is just that: local. When done right, it’s hyper-focused on your specific location. That means that your rehab treatment center shows up for those who are looking for help and/or information in your vicinity.
Yes, there are those who travel great distances to go to an inpatient center, and so forth. However, for the most part, people who are looking for an IOP are looking for one in their area. They want to be able to return to their homes, families, work, and life at the end of a session.
Build Trust the Right Way
When you appear in an online search, it can build trust with those looking for help. So many of the people we’ve worked with who own and operate rehab treatment centers are in recovery themselves. Thus, they know how challenging it can be to reach out at first. Just the simple act of starting an online search for something like “rehab near me” can be incredibly difficult.
So, when your local SEO is done right and you appear higher in local search results, it can do wonders for your credibility. Here’s someone in your area that needs help and, lo and behold, your facility appears just when they’re doing a search.
Of course, it’s one thing to show up in local searches for detox, IOP, and the like. When someone comes across your facility online, they have to see what gets them to reach out to you, too.
How We Start Local SEO for Rehab Centers
We’ve been fortunate to work with many great rehab centers over the years. It’s been an honor to help them to grow, to put them into a position where they’re able to help more people in need. Almost invariably, this starts with someone from the rehab reaching out to us for a free consultation. During that, our experts go over their site and their current SEO (if they have either). Often, we find oversights that we can fix right away.
Case in point: many haven’t fully optimized their Google My Business profile. Google takes this very seriously, so you want this to be at its very best. Beyond that, we look for the keywords they’re ranking for as well as the ones they’d like to rank for.
From there, we conduct keyword research into finding the best keywords to reach the best prospects in their area. Almost always, this research includes at least some keywords that their competitors aren’t ranking for. By focusing on those as well as others, we’re able to build a strategy for our clients that helps them to stand out even in competitive areas. And, really, that’s just the beginning.
What Can Help Your Facility’s SEO
Remember: not everyone who searches for “detox near me” or something similar is, right at this moment, looking for a detox. Sure, many of them are. And, indeed, you need to have content (written, filmed, and more) that can help them to choose you. But, there are also those who are just looking for more information. You need content to help them, too.
Many of these searches are from concerned loved ones and the like simply looking for more information. Your site, your content, and so forth isn’t just something you’re doing for SEO – you’re trying to make a good first impression. You want to be able to show that you’re the best resource of information about living sober, healthy, and happy. That way, when someone does reach out for help, it’s you they reach out to.
Local SEO and More for Your Business
You put so much into your treatment center. We know how hard professionals like you work to help those who need it. With that in mind, we can help you as we’ve helped so many others. With our entire team by your side, we can help you to get the most out of local SEO for rehab centers like yours. To see how we can help, schedule that free consultation today.