What Can You Expect from Attorney SEO 

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“OK, if I do go forward with attorney SEO, what should I look for? What are the baseline expectations I should have for a lawyer SEO strategy?” These are some of the questions that our lawyer clients tend to ask us once we’ve put together a strategy for them. When you decide to improve your SEO, you need to be able to see real results from it. But, the best results may not be visible for a period of time. 

So, in the interim, what you want to see is growth. But, growth can be tricky to define, especially before you see the conversions that matter. Below, we’ve collected some of what you should expect to receive from lawyer SEO when done right. 

attorney SEO

Reaching More Clients in Your Area 

As a lawyer, you want to do better in SEO for the words that matter to you, yes, but you want to make certain that you’re doing better with those words in terms of your geographic area. If you’re a personal injury attorney in Silver Lake, ranking highly for “personal injury attorney in Anchorage” isn’t going to help. It can take time to climb the rankings, which makes it all the more imperative that you start with a great SEO strategy in the first place. 

The best SEO strategy for attorneys (as well as anyone else) takes advantage of Google Analytics. With those, (when analyzed properly) you’ll be able to see small, subtle shifts in growth or its opposite. From those, you can extrapolate out just how your strategy is doing right now as well as how it will do in the future. 

This can be invaluable in terms of refining your strategy. You don’t want to “throw good money after bad,” i.e. continuing to implement a strategy that has no chance of working. But, by that same token, you don’t want to cut a strategy short that was on a track to be successful, albeit a slow track. 

More Visibility 

You should expect your SEO to literally make your brand visible to people who hadn’t seen it previously. After all, email marketing can only be utilized for folks that you have an email for. By that same token, social media marketing can only connect to someone looking at your social media feed. 

SEO, on the other hand, connects to people when they’re searching for something that you can help with. Thus, a well-implemented strategy for your law firm is one that will put you towards the top of the rankings of the keywords that matter. That way, when users search for words tied to your law firm they’ll be able to find you. If that doesn’t happen after four to six months, if you don’t see growth, it’s time to change strategies. 

attorney SEO

Backlinks to Boost Your Authority 

You’ll know your content is getting better and your firm is more visible when you get more authority-boosting backlinks. These are backlinks from high-quality, high-authority sites that have decided that your content, that your firm, is also of high quality and displays high authority, thus being worthy of a backlink. 

Your SEO strategy should be one that makes this a possibility at all times and a reality often. That means your SEO strategy should incorporate great content across a variety of forms (blogs, articles, landing pages, podcasts, videos, and the like) so that you’ll have more high-quality content for high-authority sites to backlink to. 

A Better UX 

SEO isn’t just in the search engines themselves. Rather, a great SEO strategy also boosts your SEO through work on your website as well. On-page, off-page, and technical SEO are critical, crucial aspects of any strategy. Utilizing them fully will enable you to offer a better user experience, in terms of a faster loading website that’s well-laid out with a cohesive internal linking strategy, impregnable security, and is very easy to use. 

By that same token, you want your site to be fully responsive. This means that anyone can open it on just about any kind of device completely and quickly. All of the rest of your SEO efforts, doing what you can to climb to the top of the rankings and so forth, can be in vain if, when users finally do click on your website, it doesn’t operate as it should.

attorney SEO

More Organic Traffic from Attorney SEO for a Long Time to Come 

The above are just some of what you should expect from a lawyer’s SEO strategy. You should never have to settle for anything less than that. To get the most from your SEO, we’re here to help. At Website Depot, we’ve helped attorneys who practice everything from personal injury law to bankruptcy law to have the kind of actionable, an effective SEO strategy that helps for years to come. To schedule a free consultation with our attorney SEO experts, just give us a call at (888) 477-9540.