What are Google Featured Search Snippets?

Google Featured Search Snippets is Google’s way of helping users in finding answers to their inquiries as quick as possible. The search engine giant attempts to provide users the best user experience. Thus, it provides users a quick answer without them having to click so many links.
In other words, Google Featured Search snippets offer quick, direct answers.
Those snippets look similar on how they’re displayed in the search results. However, they are taken from third-party websites. That said, the links to the source are prominently featured.
The snippets are often displayed when users ask complex queries. With this type of query, Google will take snippets of relevant posts from various web pages. Then, the results are displayed in a box, just below a paid ad or above the organic result in SERP.
When you try to search your own site within the featured search snippets, you’ll find that it’s quite challenging. It’s more of a trial and error. However, there’s a trick in here. You need to use the words “how” or “why” as your keyword. These two words are often the type of searches that can trigger a featured search snippet.
Then again, not all queries will show featured search snippets. For example, if the users type in generic keywords or queries, this feature won’t show up.
Tools to Use to Uncover Featured Snippets
You may use Google Search Console or formerly known as Google Webmaster. With this tool, you’ll know which queries that yielded featured snippets from your site. You’ll also find which landing pages are getting the best clicks and the impact of those featured snippets to your website’s traffic.
To use the Search Console, you’ll need to access the Search Analytics report. From there, start checking out queries. Filter the queries in order to isolate those specific keywords.
Currently, Google is adding data that will be included in the Featured Snippets.
Ever since this feature began to become more prominent in the search results, webmasters have developed a love-hate relationship with them.
They all want their sites to be included. On the other hand, they’re also concerned that the feature would already provide answers to the users that they no longer want to click to the link. That said, webmasters are still finding how this featured search snippet actually works.
It seems like being featured in this tool will take a lot of work. Then again, it has become increasingly necessary to boost your site’s traffic. When your post appears in it, it means that it stands out from the rest. It’s simply a way for your site to remain competitive.