The Website Elements Every Dental Website Should Have

The Website Elements Every Dental Website Should Have

The majority of patients today don’t call a dentist’s office for information. Rather, they visit the dentist’s website. Unfortunately, most dentists don’t have the time to manage their online marketing.

What they don’t realize is that their website design is a valuable marketing tool. But because of the lack of time to maintain a viable site, it’s highly recommended that they hire a professional web designer.

If you’re one of those dentists who need a website design that stands out from the rest, here are some must-have website elements that your site should have.


More and more patients are using their smartphones to access the web. For that reason, it’s important than ever that a site should incorporate responsive design. In this way, it loads and functional correctly when viewed on a tablet or smartphone.

Links to online reviews

By offering your audience links to your ratings and reviews will give them another layer of trust and social proof. Don’t also forget to highlight your social media profiles to allow your potential patients to view a clearer image of your practice culture.

Engagement tools

Make sure that your site has a way for your patients to easily interact with your dental office when they need to schedule their next appointment, for example. Your site should be easy to navigate. Most importantly, it must be well-organized.


You don’t need to publish content every day. Updating your site’s blog once a week will do. Having a short but interesting blog posts will give you opportunities to answer your patients’ FAQs. When you produce fresh content regularly, your site’s visibility will also improve as search engines prefer sites that update their information on a regular basis.

Visual appeal

Although it’s vital that your site is functional, you should make sure that it’s also visually appealing. Keep in mind that 38 percent of users will immediately leave a site if it’s not attractive.

The Website Elements Every Dental Website Should Have

By interesting, it means that it’s well-organised and with relevant photos or images. You may use photos that can add warmth and depth to your site to offer a welcoming impression.

What to avoid?

Stay away from elements that can slow down loading times. Your contact information should have easy to find.

Never opt for a separate mobile website, if it’s not necessary. Instead, choose to have a responsive internet site.

If you’re not sure about what to do with your dental website, please contact our experts at: