Website Depot Digital Marketing Agency Named “Best SEO Consultants in 2022”

Google (and by extension, its users) are looking for the best possible examples of the keywords they’re searching for. So, as you might imagine, keywords like “best SEO consultants 2022” are quite competitive. We always recommend to our clients that the best ways to get those organic backlinks and off-page optimization are through doing good work. The more good work you do, the better your content marketing is, the more likely you are to be noticed by objective, third parties. We listened to our own advice and are proud to announce that the SEO blog is featuring us on their “Best SEO consultants” page.
What We Won
“Do good work and you’ll be rewarded” is one of those cliches that became a cliche for a reason: it’s true. That’s not to say that you’ll be immediately rewarded for it, but, the more good work you do, the more of a habit it will become, and thus the better that you’ll be. SEOblog.com, the folks who have given us this award, rank very highly for “top SEO consultants,” so this is a helpful, powerful backlink indeed.
How We’re Celebrating It
You might have read to this part of the blog and thought “geez, they’re kind of tooting their own horn with this one.” Yes, yes we are. There’s nothing wrong with that. When your business wins an award or even has a great testimonial/comment from a customer/client, use that. These kinds of positive feedback let other folks see that you really know what you’re doing. But, beyond that, they also show Google.
Google sees this kind of feedback and notes that you’re more of an authority, you’re more trusted. Thus, they’re more likely to put you towards the top of the Google Rankings for the keywords that matter to your business.
That said, you aren’t just limited to writing about it in blogs (such as the one you’re reading). This can also be done with press releases (which we are soon to release about this fact). But, we’ll also be covering this in videos, podcasts, and more.
You should do the same with your successes, with your victories, with your positive feedback. Folks aren’t going to know how great your company is until you let them know. Moreover, all of this can boost your authority and your credibility in addition to your SEO.
How the Best SEO Consultants Can Help You
What this means is, frankly, we can help your company to grow. After all, they don’t just hand out titles like “best SEO consultants.” There are quite a few SEO consultants out there, whether you’re in Los Angeles or anywhere else. If you want to see how we earned the title, we’re more than happy to help you in that regard. To schedule a free consultation with the experts at our digital marketing agency, call (888) 477-9540.