Web Marketing in Los Angeles Tips: Last Minute Content Ideas

Web Marketing in Los Angeles Content Tips

Do you need to create content right now and have no idea what to do? Does it feel like you’ve done all of the content ideas that anyone could ever want and there’s nothing left? That happens to everyone. No matter your business, content has to be created constantly. It can be a grind. But, in a pinch, there are actions I take that can help you. Yes, I’m using examples from my work for web marketing in Los Angeles. But, these tips will work for any industry. 


Your Mindset When You Start 


Like I said, content can be a grind. It can wear you down. When that happens, when I feel that way, one of the first steps isn’t to get to work, it’s to get to work on myself. Reframe how you’re looking at it. Try looking at content creation not as a challenge, but as an opportunity. 


Creating content is a chance to let someone know more about your business, about what you do best. It’s an opportunity to connect to that customer (or those customers) who could really use your services. Content is a way to grow your business, to go to the next level, to succeed. 


Sure, it’ll take work. But, when you look at content that way, you may be surprised by how much it opens you up creatively. If nothing else, you’ll feel better. 


If You Have a Concern, So Do Your Customers 


You, in your day to day life, no doubt have any number of problems. You need solutions for your issues, just like your customers do. So, it stands to reason that if you have a problem, your customers probably have that same problem. Speak to it. Do so in your content. 


Did another company’s customer service treat you wrong? Then showcase what’s right about yours. If something took too long to get to you, highlight your shipping policies. You can see how this would be applicable for everything from restaurants to attorneys. Your customers are just like you – treat them how you’d want to be treated in your content. 


Your Calendar, Your Friend 


On the subject of concerns your customers may have, look to the seasons, the calendar. If it’s summer for you, then it’s summer for your customers. Adjust your content accordingly. 


For example, I write often for a client who is an accident attorney in Long Beach. In the summer, I create content about staying sober during the 4th, summer parties, etc. In the winter, it’s about being safe during holiday travel, and so forth. You can apply this to any industry. 


The time of year, the seasons, even the weather can give you endless ideas on what to post and when. 


Recycling: Good for Your Content and the Environment 


If you’re like a lot of the clients I work with, you probably have all kinds of old content. Maybe you have several years worth of blogs. Perhaps there’s old tweets, even MySpace posts, that kind of thing. You might think (rightly), “oh, those can’t help anymore.” Perhaps not. Not in the form they are now. 


But, the information in them is no less good than it ever was. Sure, some of it may be updated. So, take that old information and update it. Get some old blogs and use them as inspiration. Build on the info that’s there and use it to create something new. 


If you’re like so many of my clients, you’re good at your job, yes, but you’ve also improved. You’ve probably come a long way since you created that content. So, you can use this as an opportunity to showcase your growth in your field. 


If nothing else, going through old content can serve as brainstorming. By seeing what you’ve done, you may get your brain working. That often helps me figure out what to do next. 


Switch Up the Format 


On the subject of old content, if you’ve been around long enough, you’ve seen the platforms change. Yes, I made an old reference to MySpace. Tom is long gone. But, there are new platforms, new methods that didn’t exist a few years ago. TikTok. Reels. YouTube Shorts. 


There are even new methods of communicating, like podcasts and so forth, that are still growing. Use these in your content, too. Content is so, so much more than just “writing” now. Indeed, here at Website Depot, I host any number of podcasts with our clients. It’s one more way to connect to customers that don’t want to read. 


The algorithm can love this kind of thing. It shows that you’re an authority, that you know what you’re talking about. You don’t need a lot of (or any) equipment. A phone and not being backlit can do wonders. 


Web Marketing in Los Angeles That Can Help 


The above can help you if you’re in a tough spot and need to put out content pronto. Here at Website Depot, I do plenty of content, sure. But, for real growth, you need a team. You need web designers, SEO experts, someone to protect and build your social media marketing – and much more. We offer all of that. 


To see how our team can help you, schedule a free consultation. You can do so through this site or by calling.