Your website is what bridges you and your audiences together. The integral part of web maintenance is ensuring that your online visitors have a smooth and seamless web experience whether they’re visiting from their mobile devices or desktop computers. So what makes a website healthy? Let’s dive right in:


1. Regular Updates

Keeping your website up-to-date is a major aspect of web maintenance. It ensures the quality and security of your website and can prevent problems from viruses to compatibility issues. Glitches can easily frustrate your audiences. So be sure to keep things in check in order for your website to remain an effective extension to your entity/brand.



2. Fresh Content

People are always looking for something new, fun, and inspiring. There is a sense of liveliness when you have a regular stream of new information about your company like a special event, a promotion, a big announcement etc. People are more likely to revisit you if they know you always have something new to talk about. Be creative. Tell a story. Engage more.



3. Mobile Friendliness

With more than 40% of all web traffic coming from mobile phones, it is important to ensure your website looks and functions well no matter where they are visiting from. Having a website that isn’t mobile-friendly can easily discourage your online visitors from staying on your site and browsing your content.



4. Design | UI/UX

Ease-of-use plays a big role when it comes to a great web experience. Your audiences visit your website primarily to obtain information. So having a well-structured website allows your visitors to feel comfortable navigating around. Visual hierarchy, colors, text legibility and page layout are just a few of the many factors that enable comfort, efficiency and ease-of-use.



5. Web Traffic

Do people know about you? Are you actively attracting new audiences? Marketing is a powerful tool that educates people about your brand. There are many great platforms where you can spread the message about your company. This includes social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other major interactive websites like YouTube, Yelp and so much more.

Taking care of your website’s health is an investment. Think of it as a window to your brand. If the window is dirty, can you see through clearly?




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