Vital Things To Remember About Mobile-First Algorithm

mobile first algorithm

Google completed rolling out its mobile-first algorithm. The shift forced brands to make some alterations in their focus to put importance on mobile users. In other words, mobile users are no longer a secondary thought. Our web design firm in Los Angeles ensures that our clients’ websites have already adapted to the mobile-first algorithm.

What Does It Mean For Websites?

In this algorithm, the search engine giant cares more about your site’s mobile version that its desktop’s. The reason for this is that more users are accessing a site using their mobile devices, like a smartphone or a tablet. It forces site designers to rethink their strategies in optimizing their websites.

How you cater to mobile users will affect your search engine ranking. Before the rollout, Google utilized your site’s desktop version in ranking it across devices. However, with the mobile-first algorithm, Google prioritizes mobile version over the desktop version.

With this vital change in algorithm, you need to think about your mobile users and how they interact with your site. You cannot do this shift without communicating with your web designer.

Our web design firm in Los Angeles is designing our clients’ websites in a way that mobile consumers can navigate the site with ease.

But there are mistakes that some web designers make when they tackle optimization.

mobile first algorithm

Ignore The Proper Construction Of Structured Data

It is vital to remember that Google prefers schema or structured data. The reason for this is that it is easier for its search engine to comprehend the site.

Furthermore, Google will have an easy way to find where your site must be displayed and determine how your site will be positioned on the SERP.

Most sites set up structured data on their site’s desktop version. Unfortunately, they ignored applying it on their mobile site.

To remedy it, make sure to implement proper construction of your structured data for both desktop and mobile versions.

Failed To Add Alt Tags On Mobile Images

Alt text enables Google to understand the purpose of the images on your site. No matter how powerful Google’s algorithm is, it cannot view images. Thus, it still depends on the alt text to understand your site.

Furthermore, alt tags are useful in improving the overall user experience. For example, if a user visits your site and a certain page loads without images. The alt tags will give them details on the image. Furthermore, the alt tag is useful for users who depend on a text-to-voice application as this tag will give them the information of the image you are trying to show.

Avoid These Mistakes

You can easily avoid these mistakes if you choose to hire a reputable web design in Los Angeles, California. Website Depot is a top-rated web-design company in Los Angeles.

Our team of web designers and developers has decades of experience in the industry. We know what to avoid to prevent your site from getting penalized because you did not meet Google’s webmaster guidelines.

Contact our web design Los Angeles firm today to know more about how we can transform your site to be mobile-first. Call us today (888) 477-9540