Useful Cryptocurrency Plugins for WordPress Web Design

Cryptocurrency Plugins for Wordpress Web Design

Despite all the controversy behind this subject, cryptocurrency is here to stay for a long time. And a big part of such presence is, of course, its implementation in online payments. Massive platforms like Amazon and Ebay are preparing to accept these currencies. Meanwhile, some major brands like Tesla have been also accepting Bitcoin for some time. So you should really know more about these useful cryptocurrency plugins for WordPress Web Design.

Maybe you can add Bitcoin as a payment alternative for your clients. Or feature Ethereum trading prices on your site in real time. Whatever your choice is, these plugins can be really useful for you if you’re planning to add digital coinage to your ecommerce Web Design. Whatever your reason is, adding these alternatives will definitely expand your clientele and make you earn new incomes that otherwise you would miss.

How can I accept Bitcoin payments?

It is important that you sign up for a service that enables you to receive, manage and store cryptocurrency payments before you install any plugin to your website. Bitpay would be a useful and reliable alternative to do that. It’s easy to install and it supports all the most popular eCommerce platforms, like WordPress’ Woocommerce. Keep in mind, however, that Bitpay accepts only Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency payment.

Cryptowoo is another plugin that you can add to your Woocommerce web development. It’s fully automated and supports many of the major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Dogecoin and more. This plugin’s pricing starts on $34 per license. If you’re looking for a free alternative, you can opt for GoURL. This oper source plugin can also process multiple altcoin payments to sell products, memberships and even digital downloads.

Cryptocurrency Plugins for WordPress Web Design

Another interesting alternative for your website is Mollie Payments. This plugins enable you to process many different types of payments, which saves you installing way too many plugins and have an all-in-one solution. You can take Bitcoin as well as Visa, Mastercard and Paypal. Mollie Payments allows you to sell both digital and physical goods, and it’s also free to use.

Incorporate Cryptocurrency Plugins for WordPress Web Design

If you’re the owner of a digital store, it is important for you to give your clients as many alternatives as possible. Despite all the gossip and bad press it may have, Cryptocurrencies is shaping up as the thing of the future. So it wouldn’t hurt at all if you decide to add these payment options to your site. On the contrary, you can expand more than you may know.

Our Elite Coders at Website Depot have a wide experience in developing WordPress sites. If you decide to add this plugins to yours, or if you need more information about how to add Cryptocurrency to your site, please call us at (888) 477-9540.