Two Important Skills an SEO Agency and Any Company Must Cultivate 

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Do you feel like you know your online marketing inside and out, yet you still haven’t gotten the results you had hoped for? Does it seem as if everything you do helps your company a bit in your digital marketing, yet, something is still lacking?  As someone who creates content every day for an omnichannel SEO agency, I get it. Even if you do everything right, it can feel like there’s something missing. Over the years, there are two skills I’ve learned which have helped me as well as members of my team to be able to help our clients as well as our business grow. 


As with all other forms of advice, don’t feel like you have to try all of this in exactly the same way. That’s certainly not how I utilize advice from others. Instead, what I’ll do is take what makes sense to me, try that, and forget the rest. That’s how I developed the following skills. By following a similar path, you can find what works best for you. 




Things change. They change all the time. They often do so at a moment’s notice. When they do, you have to be able to adapt to them. If you can’t, then your content is going to suffer, your company will suffer, and worse. 


For example, here at Website Depot, I podcast with our clients. It’s a great way to showcase what they have to offer. I get to help them to grow their customer base while building their online authority. 


Recently, a podcast with a client had to be canceled with short notice due to unforeseen yet entirely understandable circumstances. That’s 100% all right. That’s life. But, the flexibility came in what happened next: I went back to work. 

It would have (possibly) been understandable if I had used that time for something else. That time had been allotted for the podcast, so it stands to reason that I could have done something else with it. Instead, I went right back to work, creating more content for our clients. It was great, because I managed to make some real headway on important projects. 


Google Changes Often 


That’s an example from my own life, but it happens all the time with online marketing. For example, I don’t have to tell you how often and how extensively Google changes their algorithm. Google is always looking to make a better product for their users. As such, they publish updates frequently. Each of those has to be incorporated and incorporated fully into our client’s work. 


If it isn’t, then they’ll suffer. To just continue doing what we were doing in the past, no matter how successful, wouldn’t work. Yes, there are base fundamentals to SEO and digital marketing that won’t change. However, so much of the real work (and the real possibility for growth) lies in the margins. It’s in those small details, that ability to change at a moment’s notice, that can make the difference between a company standing out and one buried on page 2. 




This may sound odd, but, the more prepared you are, the more effectively flexible you can be. The more preparation you do, the easier it is to adapt. 


To continue with the example from my own life, I found it easy to transition from “going to record a podcast” mode to “create content” mode. Now, that could be a challenge. In a real way, those are using vastly different skills, different “sides of the brain,” so to speak. Yet, I was able to do so because I had done my preparation ahead of time. 


How? I had finished my pre-writing on the content I was going to create. I knew I had the podcast coming up, so I did all my prewriting ahead of time so I would be prepared when it was time to write again. 


Everyone’s prewriting process is different. Mine (as I may have written here in the past), involves a lot of research, short outlining, figuring out a title, the H2 and H3 tags, and a bit more. 


So, since I had that, it was easy to transition. I didn’t have to “stare at the blank page,” to use an expression. Instead, I just had to follow what I had done and it made creation easy. 


What to Keep In Mind About Preparation 


I write this knowing that there’s really no way to prepare for every eventuality. Every day, events happen outside of our control that can have a profound effect on our work, our companies, our lives, etc. That said, you are always in control of what you can control. 


So, if I know I’m going to be away from creating content for a moment (whether it’s because of a weekend, the night, recording a podcast, or anything else) I make sure that I leave myself something which can get me right back to work when I get back. 


Sometimes that’s leaving links that I’m going to further search. Other times, it means having the bare bones of an outline. It could even be writing the first half of a piece of content, or less than that, just so I have something I can pick up as soon as I return. Here at our SEO agency, there’s always more work that has to be done. The sooner I can get into it, the better for everyone. 


An Omnichannel Digital Marketing and SEO Agency That’s Ready to Help 


As mentioned, the above may not be exactly applicable to you and your company. But, everyone can do something to be a bit better prepared. Anyone can take actions that can cut down on their “what do I do know” when it’s time to return to work. These are just some that work for me which, in turn, may work for you. 


Speaking of “working for you,” that’s what our entire team here can do. After all, I’m just one part, one small part, of an experienced team of trained professionals. To see how we can help your business grow, schedule a free consultation with us through the site or by phone.