Tips for Home Improvement SEO Marketing

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Are you looking for ways to make your home improvement SEO marketing “stand on its own two legs?” Does it feel like your SEO is far behind that of your competitors? SEO is, in many ways, like home improvement. It can be complicated. It definitely requires hard work done with an expert touch. That said, if your SEO is worked on in the right fashion then, eventually, you can grow. Below are some tips that we use to expedite the process for our home improvement clients. 

home improvement SEO marketing

Really Research Your Keywords 

To continue the analogy of comparing SEO to home improvement, “research your keywords” can be similar to “measure twice, cut once.” It’s easy to say: “OK, I know what our keywords are. Those are the ones I’m going to try and rank for.” But, until you’ve really done the research, you won’t have found all of the keywords that are best for your home improvement business. 

Sure, you may know some of the keywords that you want to target off of the top of your head. “Home improvement plus your city,” and so forth – that may be a good choice. But, depending on your city, that one may be too difficult to rank for (particularly if you live in Los Angeles, New York City, and so forth). So, you might best be served by trying to rank for the ones that are more specific: Silverlake, Burbank, or Queens, Brooklyn, and so forth. 

Beyond that, you’re also going to want to do keyword research on your company as well as your competitors. Then, with that, you’ll be able to identify any “content gap.” Those are the keywords that your competitors aren’t ranking for that you can. That way, you’ll be able to catch up to them that much faster. Always research your keywords, even once your SEO strategy has been launched. 

Optimize It

Good rule of thumb: no page is done until it has been optimized. You aren’t done with a blog, a service page, a city page, a landing page, or anything of that nature until you’ve optimized it. That means, of course, using one of those keywords that you researched in the title tags, in the headers, in the descriptions, as well as the body copy. 

That also means taking care of all of the other forms of on-page optimization as well. This doesn’t just help with readers (who will be able to know that much more clearly what a written page is about) but it will also help tremendously with web crawlers too. Indeed, this optimization is how they’ll find your page and know how to index it. 

Having written content that isn’t optimized is like leaving a home improvement job unfinished. As if you were remodeling a bathroom and just stopped before putting doors on the cabinets or something. On-page optimization is always important. 

home improvement SEO marketing

Content Your Customers Can Use (and a CTA of Why They Should Call You) 

Home improvement companies always have great options for content. You need all of your content to provide value to readers, of course. All you have to do is to share your knowledge. Let someone know steps they can take for a bathroom remodel, when they might need repairs on their kitchen, what to look for when hiring a general contractor, and so forth. 

When you put value in your content, it makes readers want to read more of it, of course, as they’re genuinely getting something out of it. Moreover, it helps your SEO rankings because Google will see that you really are an authority, you do know what you’re talking about. Thus, it’ll know that you’re a great option to present to users in terms of associating you with those keywords you want to rank for. 

One question we have had from home improvement clients over the years: “if I give away home improvement tips, isn’t that just telling customers how they can get away with not hiring our services?” No. There’s only so much a layperson can do, even with the best-written blog or “how-to” page. Indeed, you always want to include a strong CTA letting folks know how they can get in contact with you. That way, when they get to the end and see just how challenging home improvement can be, they’ll want to reach out. 

home improvement SEO marketing

Home Improvement SEO Marketing Experts 

The above are just some of the ways that we’ve helped our home improvement clients to climb the SEO rankings. No matter where you are, home improvement SEO is a competitive field. We have assisted so many in standing out from the rest and now we can do the same for you. To provide the “right tools for the job,” so to speak, we offer customized SEO packages. That way, you’ll get the exact right strategy for your home improvement company. 

For a free consultation with our home improvement SEO marketing experts, you can reach us at (888) 477-9540.