Three Important “Beats” to Hit in Your Content 

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“We like our content, but it feels like it’s missing something.” 

“There’s something our content doesn’t have, but we can’t quite put our finger on it.” 

To be sure, “content” here doesn’t just mean “blogs.” It also includes social media, videos, and the like. 

Obviously, every company’s content is different. 

Business lawyer SEO content doesn’t have the same target audience as a rehab facility, or a plastic surgeon, or a telehealth provider, and so forth. 

But, there are some common elements across just about every piece of content. 

That’s not to say that you have to include all of these in everything you do. Rather, you can go back to them and incorporate one or more of them if you feel that your content could use something more. 

Additionally: you almost assuredly want to have all three of these on your website. 

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“Why You” and “Who Already Trusts You” 


There are many different ways to phrase this. 

But, you want to include your experience as well as folks who are satisfied with what you do. 

Of course, whenever possible, the “why you” should be a case of “showing” versus “telling.” 

Simply mentioning that you’re the very best won’t do much. 

Pictures of awards, certifications, and similar will do it. 

In a very real way, that’s what the “who already trusts you” part can do, too. 

After all, when you get down to it, what is a “testimonial” other than an award from a satisfied customer? 

Here at Website Depot, we’ve made a lot of websites for companies from all across the world in about any industry. 

I think just about all of them have included a “testimonial” section. 

There’s a reason for that. 

Now more than ever, people want to know that they can trust a company. Talking to your family and friends is one thing, but recommendations from online folks can be just as potent. 

If you’re stuck, you can always use a showing of “why you” and the people who already trust you. 



“Prove It” 


Show us that you’re good at what you do. 

You’re an expert. 

A genuine professional in your field. You make a living doing this. 

So, show us that. 

Let us see it for ourselves. 

Prove it. 

This can be a video, of course. 

Videos, showing you being great at what you do, are a wonderful tool. They can be fun, connecting to potential customers/clients while also establishing you as a real authority. 

That said, “prove it” doesn’t have to be in a video. 

It can be a blog. 

A great “how-to” blog, where you walk potential customers through something related to your business, can be so powerful. 

That’s because it isn’t “selling.” Rather, it’s a resource. Something that people can turn to when they need help. Then, of course, they’ll be liable to think of you when it’s time to buy. 

“Prove it” is different across industries. 

A personal injury attorney may display successful verdicts, big settlements, how-to videos, and similar. Plastic surgeons can show before and after pictures/videos, etc. 

If you’re ever stuck with your content, adding one (or more) of those three can help. 

For more assistance with growing your business, you can reach us at (888) 477-9540.