The Key to Being Truly Responsive in Your Marketing

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“In the pandemic, you need your marketing to be more responsive!”
“In 2021, you need your marketing to be more responsive!”
“Responsive” is one of those words that, for many of us, we’ve heard more in the last year than we did in all of the previous years of our lives combined.
The sentiment is true: the best marketing does have to be “responsive.” That means it can, well, respond to just about anything. If circumstances change quickly, then your marketing needs to do so as well.
The clearest example in recent memory is, of course, the onset of the pandemic. During a few weeks in March, every ad of people shaking hands, hugging, being in groups, and so forth suddenly became verboten (for very good reason).
Then, the more “responsive” marketers pivoted to the ads with “these trying times,” and so forth. Not that long after, many ads moved on from that, too.
While things are getting better out there (slowly), being responsive is always going to be important. I thought about that today as I went through daily articles for our full service digital marketing agency and came across this great piece.
Best Way to Improve Your Responsiveness: Prepare
If you read that article, look at everything the author says under the first heading.
There are many different tactics, structures, reports, and more. I could just quote the entire thing, but it’s so well-written and helpful I want you to read it for yourself.
The larger point here is: be prepared.
If you aren’t prepared for something to change, then you’re more likely to find yourself struggling.
Obviously, no one can prepare their marketing for a once-in-several-lifetimes pandemic. But, by having a “crisis management plan” and more, you’ll have your best chance to respond.
If nothing else, this cuts down on the possibility of panic.
Think of all of the fire drills you’ve gone on in your life.
Sure, they let you know where the exits were, that kind of thing. But, just as if not more importantly, they gave you clear, concise directives to follow should something terrible arise.
By making sure that you can quickly and directly address your customers in a pinch (as well as having crystal-clear directions for how to do so) you give your company the best chance to be responsive.
An “Elevator Pitch” for Your Brand
I’ve written before about the idea of an “elevator pitch” for your company. You have a strong brand identity if you can explain your company concisely enough to a stranger in an elevator ride.
This can help quite a bit with your responsiveness, too.
In a crisis, when things have to change quickly, having that clear a brand identity can be invaluable.
Instead of different departments and people in your company “guessing” as to what to do, speaking to your brand can help immensely. It can, quite literally, be an “anchor,” something that can keep your company from drifting off course in even the most challenging dilemma.
For more help with this or anything else that can be handled by a full service digital marketing agency, you can reach us at (888) 477-9540.