The Dos and Don’ts of CBD SEO


CBD SEO, when done right, can be a big help for any cannabis dispensary. But that, of course, involves necessary steps that aren’t as straightforward as preferred. It takes time, effort, and practice to do it right, but if you know what to do and what not to do, the process becomes a little less complicated. 

So without further ado, here are the dos and don’ts of CBD SEO. Be sure to take note of them for your next digital campaign. 

First, let’s start with the dos. 

Focus on Educating Your Audience

Even with CBD’s reputation as a potential medical wonder, it still bears the negative stigma attached to cannabis. And until federal legalization happens, that stigma will remain present. 

That said, your objective should be more on educating your audience and reiterating the positives of CBD use, which should be, of course, backed up with facts. 

Take Advantage of Other Strategies

Social media marketing and keyword research aren’t the only tactics to take advantage of when it comes to CBD marketing. There are others you can leverage, like affiliate marketing, which if done right, can mean extra revenue. Display ads are another way to get yourself more eyeballs. 

Now, let’s take a look at what you should avoid. 

Neglecting the Necessary Guidelines

There are certain guidelines you need to follow when it comes to CBD marketing, most of which are implemented by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). That could land you in hot water and could cause a lot of headaches, and in this case, ignorance is never an excuse. 

Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with these guidelines. It may be a tedious task at first, but you will thank yourself later. 

Showing Any Form of CBD Consumption

As we mentioned earlier, the restriction on cannabis on a federal level makes it more tricky to advertise it with ease. Even with CBD’s therapeutic potential and the studies to back it up, showing its consumption may not sit be allowed. 

To be on the safe side, focus on highlighting the product and its plausible benefits. Besides, you’re not missing out on any added benefit whether or not you choose to show it being consumed. 

CBD SEO Done Right

We at Website Depot specialize in digital marketing services that include social media marketing, Google Ads, and of course, SEO. We also offer web design services for your Shopify store, WordPress, or any e-commerce platform.