The Biggest Mistake Companies Make in Internet Marketing and How to Avoid It

Does it seem like no matter how hard you try in your online marketing you don’t quite get the results you want? Have you felt as if you’re pushing, pushing, pushing, and yet, your bottom line doesn’t go up? The more you do, the more frustrated you get, the more you can feel like you have to “cut corners” to get ahead. As someone who’s worked at a company that provides internet marketing in LA for many years now, I can tell you that the biggest mistakes I’ve seen business owners make all come from giving in to impatience.
It’s 100% understandable. You have to pay the mortgage/your employees, etc. You don’t have time to wait for results. Yet, being too impatient with online marketing leads to so many errors. Many of which, by the way, ultimately make it take even longer to get the results you seek. Below are some of the mistakes I most commonly see borne out of impatience as well as how to fix them.
Boosting Quantity Over Quality
Yes, you want lots of quality content. Blog posts, service pages, landing pages, videos, and social media posts, all of which demonstrate your expertise, showcase your authority, and connect with your audience. That’s all crucially important. But, if your content doesn’t meet that standard, then it’s just not worth posting.
Many have this idea that, if they just post enough content, it won’t matter how good it is. Or, worse, they talk themselves into the idea that “maybe this post isn’t great, but, I’ve just got to get something up.” Remember: you are what you do. Everything you post online is something that your potential customers/clients and Google are able to see.
If your content isn’t high quality, if Google doesn’t think it is, then it won’t matter how much you post. Make sure that everything you post provides real, genuine value. That’s true even if it’s just a picture/meme, something simple. Just posting low-quality content time and again will turn people away.
Now, you don’t want to become a perfectionist, to only post when something is absolutely perfect. Then, you may not post much or at all. Here, you have to find a process that works for you and your business.
If something you post provides real value, addresses your customers’ pain point(s) and shows how you can help, then it may very well be good enough.
This is one more reason that business owners reach out to an agency. That way, they can look at multiple drafts, work with a team, etc.
Sharing Too Much Too Often
Everything that I wrote above about “posting low-quality content just to get the numbers up” could be said about sharing, too. Again, if you just keep sharing non-step with no real strategy behind it, then you’re probably going to turn more people away than you’re going to bring in.
You know what it’s like when you look at a company’s social media feeds and see a bunch of posts with no engagement. You do not think to yourself: “Wow, they’re really helping themselves by posting so much.” No, you, almost invariably, think less of the company/look elsewhere/etc.
The same goes for email marketing, too. Spam filters are becoming more and more sophisticated, yes, but also sensitive. So, if you do blast out emails/newsletters too often, then you run an increased risk of falling into spam filtering.
This, too, usually comes from impatience. You’re trying to get your numbers up so you keep posting posting posting. Don’t do that. Find a strategy that works and stick to it, adjusting as needed.
Doing It All On the Cheap
There are many out there who will tell you they can build you a great website quickly and cheaply. Now, you don’t need to know much at all about internet marketing to know that isn’t true. All you need to know is a little bit about business. Take the technology out of it: how much in life can you get of high quality, quickly, and inexpensively? Right. Practically nothing. That holds true here, too.
You can get a website cheaply and quickly. It will not be very good. It will be quickly thrown together by some freelancer, shady agency, etc. To get a good, quality website, one that can both help you grow and grow along with your company, it won’t be the cheapest option. But, in time, it might be. It’ll bring in more conversions than a cheap one would have. Plus, unlike a cheap one, you won’t have to keep paying to make it all over from scratch (again).
Help From Internet Marketing in LA Pros
Those are some of the mistakes that our internet marketing in LA company sees business owners make. Unfortunately, there are plenty of others that happen all too commonly. If you have the pros by your side, you can keep from making them.
Here at Website Depot, our team helps business owners of all kinds to get the most from their marketing. To see how we can help, schedule a free consultation today.