The Best Types of Content to Boost SEO for Lawyers

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“So, what’s my content supposed to be about?” That’s one of the more common questions we’re asked by our lawyer clients and potential clients. It’s a valid question. There’s so much you can do, so much you can write about and present prospective clients with. But, with your time being at a premium, it makes sense that you would want to focus on what could give you the greatest SEO for lawyers boost.
Over the years, we’ve helped create and design so much content for our lawyer clients. We’ve found that some kinds and formats stand out from the rest.
Blogs that Provide Advice as Well as Authority
A content marketing strategy, in this day and age, has to consist of more than just blogs. But, for lawyers, blogs can provide a sturdy backbone, so to speak, for a content marketing strategy. When it comes to blogging, one effective strategy we’ve found is to ask: “what value will this blog provide?”
The blog could answer questions about a particular law or kind of law that potential clients might have. It could tell potential clients what to do in a certain situation. Blogs could offer data and/or updates about a given situation, changing circumstances, and the like.
No matter what the blog is about, it’s always an opportunity for you and your firm to show your authority. By providing solutions, by providing value, you’re showing prospective clients that they can trust you. Moreover, you’re showing them that they can trust you with their case. Even if they don’t have a case and are just reading your site for more information, you make it all the more likely that they’ll recommend you to a friend, or come back to you when they do require legal counsel.
Beyond prospective users, authority-laden blogs can help with SEO for lawyers as well. Google always wants to rank better content higher, particularly for YMYL (“Your Money Your Life”) industries such as the legal profession. Plus, the better your blogs are, the more likely your bounce rate will be low (as people will want to continue reading your content to the very end). Thus, that can improve your rankings as well.
Bullet Points/Lists to Follow
Comprehensive landing pages, in-depth and detailed blogs can be great for your prospective clients and SEO rankings alike. However, not all of the content you write has to be several hundred words long. In fact, one of the most effective forms of content can be a checklist, a set of bullet points. Just as with a blog, this is something that you can use to show prospective clients your authority.
For example, if you’re a personal injury attorney, you could write a checklist about what exactly you should do (and in what order) after someone has been in a vehicular accident. Should you practice bankruptcy law, you could put together a list of steps to take to declare bankruptcy or, alternatively, who would be a good fit for one kind of bankruptcy or another. Odds are, as you’re reading this, you’re already putting together a list in your mind.
Podcasts and Videos
For someone to choose a lawyer, it’s a big decision. Many folks do quite a bit of research before they make a decision. Blogs and checklists can absolutely be enough to get someone to call for a free consultation.
However, for many others, they’ll want to actually see you, see their prospective lawyer. They want to know if this is someone they can trust with their case and, in a very real way, their life. To that end, videos and podcasts can be invaluable in this regard.
These give lawyers like you a chance to not just build their authority, but to build a human connection as well. Through these, prospective clients can see, in real-time, how you explain complicated legal matters, how you carry yourself, and how you come across. Videos and podcasts are an incredible opportunity to show in clear, simple terms, how you stand out from other lawyers.
You don’t need a film studio, nor do you need a professional film crew to make them. All you need is your phone and a bit of time. You can do these podcasts yourself or have someone interview you about a given law, story in the news, or anything else. Stuck for topics? Look at your old blogs. You’ll no doubt find something that you can discuss in videos, podcasts, and/or both.
Case Studies
If you’re like so many of our lawyer clients, you no doubt have plenty of awards highlighted on your site. That’s a great idea. When people choose an attorney, they want a successful one, one that has won in the past and can do the same for them. Another great way to highlight that (which SEO tends to love) – is through case studies.
These can take the form of blogs, videos, podcasts, and all of the above. A detailed case study can show a prospective client exactly how you can help them. Now, obviously, you don’t want to divulge confidential details. All a good case study needs are: state the problem your client came in with, how you helped them, and how it turned out. That’s it: beginning, middle, and end. The problem, process, solution.
SEO for Lawyers Pros
No matter what kind of content you create, whether it’s blogs, videos, checklists, and more, don’t forget a “CTA” (Call to Action) at the end. It should clearly tell the reader what you want them to do next.
We’ve reached that portion of our own blog. If you’d like better content for your website, a better-designed website, social media marketing, keyword research, or anything else related to SEO, we can help. Our SEO for lawyers pros can help you in a variety of ways. For a free consultation, call (888) 477-9540.