The Advice Business Consultant Danny Star Offers About Email Marketing

Probably the best advice from Business Consultant Danny Star is that you should always experiment. This doesn’t mean taking risks and taking chances. This means you should always be measuring and trying something slightly different to see how it affects your results.
Trying Something Different?
This was meant in the scientific sense rather than the dramatic sense. Nobody is asking you to put pink fluffy bunnies on your emails about accountancy services. It is more about changing the formatting, changing the fonts, adding more text, adding less, and seeing how your results differ.
Conversions Are What Matters
The metrics you measure will often determine how your tests and experiments go in the future. Not to mention many people make the mistake of measuring the wrong thing. The only thing that really matters is your conversion. How many people make inquiries that turn into sales? Those are the people who matter. If you can set up some sort of referral system, then conversions born from your referrals should also matter when you are judging the success of your campaigns.
What About Traffic Numbers or Responses?
These metrics seem like they are important, but they are not. You can create an email campaign that gets many responses and plenty of traffic to your website, but if that traffic is not converting at a sustained and predictable rate, then there is something seriously wrong. When hiring services, do not let them sell you on response numbers or website numbers because “Successful” numbers in those areas do not mean more sales or more profit for you.
Business Consultant Danny Star Says You Don’t Need to Grab Attention
Most services will not tell you that “Not Opening” emails are fine. If the people on your email list are not opening your emails, that is fine. Trying to grab attention and trying to get people to open your emails is a fool’s errand. If people are happy to receive your emails and are happy with the content, then it doesn’t matter if they open them. It is more important that they keep receiving your emails because one the day when they see one that is actually relevant to them, then they will open and you will get your conversion.
Do Your Emails Prompt Questions?
Careful because you need to answer that question with whatever page your user lands on when they click your links. If those very same pages also lead to conversions, then prompting questions is okay. If they lead to traffic and no conversions, you are wasting people’s time and they’ll start blocking your emails. Prompting questions from users is sometimes a good thing, especially if it is part of your selling process, but prompting questions for the sake of getting people to your website is a very quick way of angering people for wasting their time.
You Need a Strong Tailored Experience
Email marketing is typically difficult, especially since most people are desensitized to most marketing techniques because anything that ever worked has been used and abused by spammers. You need to run an honest, upfront, transparent and tailored campaign if you want to get anywhere. That is why you need the help of SEO Expert Danny to help design an effective campaign that suits your business and your target customers.