Summary Latest Google Updated from Interview between Barry Schwartz and Google Search Danny Sullivan

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The recent interview between Barry Schwartz and Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, covered several key points regarding Google’s approach to search rankings and updates, especially in light of the August 2024 Core Update. Sullivan provided insights on how Google evaluates content and the impact of recent updates on website rankings and SEO.

One of the main takeaways was Sullivan’s reassurance to content creators that if their content ranks on the first page, even if traffic is low, it still signifies that Google values their content. He emphasized that content creators should feel validated if they are consistently ranked well, even though they may experience dips in traffic when other results, such as forums like Reddit, appear higher on the page.

Another major topic was the incorporation of the Helpful Content Update into the core ranking system. This shift, which started in March 2024, means that Google no longer rolls out separate updates for helpful content; instead, it assesses helpfulness across various factors within the core system. Sullivan acknowledged that while the new system has been generally successful, it hasn’t worked perfectly for all websites. Some high-quality content sites have struggled, and Google continues to improve its ability to recognize and reward valuable content more effectively.
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Sullivan also discussed the challenges some sites face after updates, explaining that while there’s no exact formula for recovery, Google continually refines its ranking signals. Sites that focus on producing valuable, user-centric content are more likely to regain their positions in the long term. He expressed empathy toward sites that were significantly impacted by updates and reiterated that Google is working on better rewarding those doing the right things.

In terms of feedback, Sullivan noted that after the March 2024 core update, Google received significant feedback (12,000 submissions across 1,300 unique domains), which helped inform further improvements to the ranking system. However, no feedback form was released for the August 2024 update, as Google is still processing previous feedback.

In conclusion, Sullivan stressed that while Google’s algorithms are continuously evolving, producing high-quality, relevant content remains the best strategy for long-term success in search rankings and SEO

Source ​(Search Engine Roundtable)