Shopify SEO: 5 Ways to Boost Your Online Store

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Have you been looking to find a way to increase your eCommerce? Did you get started with Shopify but haven’t quite gotten the results from it yet you were looking for?
The truth is that Shopify can be a great tool to boost your eCommerce business. That said, in the end, it is just a tool. It’s something that has to be used properly for you to get more out of it.
Just as with so much else online, SEO can help with Shopify, too. In fact, SEO is something that can help you to make sure that more people can find your business on Shopify.
Below are some ways to make sure that your Shopify SEO helps your business to grow.
Optimize the Keywords
This might come under the heading of “obviously,” but you’d be surprised how many people forget to optimize their keywords in Shopify.
The truth is that Shopify is similar to Yoast SEO, but not exactly the same. So, you will have the same opportunity to optimize your URLs, your meta descriptions, and your title tags. Get started by going to the page you want to work on and clicking on “Search Engine Listing Preview.” (It should be near the bottom.)
From there, just follow the directions. Lay out the title of the page, the meta description, URL, and you’ll be done. We can help you to find the right keywords for your business, too.
Content is King
In a perfect world, there should be unique content on each of your Shopify pages. You might think: “OK, that sounds like a lot of work.” True, but think about when you’re shopping for something: you want as much info as possible.
So, putting content on each product page is a good idea. But, you may not have the time right this moment to do that for all of your pages. A great way to determine which should be worked on first: prioritize by sales. That way, you can write the pages for the products that are selling best (or, alternatively, you can start by writing the content for the products that aren’t selling all that great right now).
Blogs: Never Out of Style
Speaking of content, Shopify makes it possible to have a blog there as well.
You might think: “I had to write all of those content pages and now I have to write a blog? I didn’t get into this job to be a writer.”
Well, this blog presents many opportunities. For one, it makes it possible for you to establish yourself as an authority. Instead of just trying to sell a product, you can provide real information and education here. That’s the kind of thing that can help you to rank higher in general.
After all, informational pages tend to do well in search engines. This is one more way to get yourself and your company out there.
Be Wary of Duplicates
“Duplicate content” can sound like a good idea, but it isn’t.
In fact, it’s something you want to watch out for.
When content that’s either exactly the same or very similar appears on two separate URLs, that can be a problem for search engines. A search engine is powerful, but it can struggle to tell which is the true version. So, that can “water down,” so to speak, what you’re trying to do.
Shopify, for all the good that they do, can tend to send Google “mixed messages,” so to speak.
Now, can Google figure out which your canonical (i. E. “better”) pages are? Yes. Do you want to leave it to Google to figure that out for itself? No.
Luckily, there is a solution for this on the Shopify site.
Careful with the Variants
We’re all so used to the phrase “variants” from the world of virology. In terms of Shopify, it just means a page where a core product has slight changes from one variation to the next. These could be for color, price, size, etc.
Now, you might be thinking: “OK, but doesn’t that get back to the idea of ‘duplicate content’ from the last section?”
Yes and no.
Yes, it can be duplicate content. But, it may not be a problem for SEO. See, if your customers are going to do search queries based on those variant phrases, then it can be a good thing. If you sell hats and have a different page for green hats, yellow hats, black hats, etc. Then, it makes sense that some of your customers may search online for “yellow hats.” If you have unique content for each of those variations (or the wherewithal to create it) then you’ll be good to go.
Those are just a few of the ways that you can increase your SEO on Shopify. For more, we’re always glad to help at (888) 477-9540.