SEO Service Trends to Watch

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Your digital presence should be a living, breathing project. If you are working with an experienced and proven SEO service, they will tell you that search engine optimization is an ever-evolving concept. As Google and other search engines frequently make changes to their algorithms and shift the emphasis on how they rank pages, your digital strategy needs to take an agile approach to keep up with current best practices. While there are some evergreen tactics that you can always stay on top of such as keyword placement and backlinks, 2022 has seen some new developments in SEO that would be wise to acquaint yourself with.

A Focus on Quality Content

As a business owner, you no doubt take pride in the words on your website. While you certainly have not aimed to put out subpar content, in the past, quality simply was not as important as it is now. If you look around, you may still come across pages that are so stuffed with keywords that they are rendered nearly incomprehensible. Or, you may find pages that have a set of keywords just plainly written out on the bottom of the copy. While such tactics used to be effective in getting Google to crawl and rank your website, things have changed dramatically. With more advanced algorithms employed, there is now an emphasis on strong, authoritative content. This means you are going to want to either hire expert-level writers for your website or employ your own professional knowledge to generate strong, meaningful content. 

Thinking About User Search Intent

In the past, SEO strategists would take keywords that were discovered via some basic research and tactfully place them within on-page content. The idea was then that Google would index these pages based on those keywords. While keywords are still essential to good SEO in 2022, it is necessary to take a more complete view of what they are and how to use them. To put it another way, it is not enough to find keywords and use them, you should also think about the search intent of users visiting your site. Why are they searching for these terms? What are they looking for? By taking a more well-rounded approach, you can deliver a better experience to your potential customers. 

Utilizing Imagery and Visual Content

Websites have come a long way since the days of basic chunks of text on a plain page. Even if your business is relatively straightforward in its offerings, you owe it to yourself to have a dynamic, robust web presence. This means adding interesting visual content to your website. Not only will this keep users engaged–and more likely to make a conversion–but it will also show up on search engine results pages (SERPs). Unique images are especially important, as they give the user a sense of authenticity. Aim to take your own photographs and stay away from stock imagery. Short video content is also beneficial, just make sure it is embedded so you do not lead users away from your page.

Thinking About the Mobile Experience

Let’s face it, not many people sit down at an actual computer to look up goods or services in their area. Increasingly, this is something that is done on a phone or mobile device. In fact, it is estimated that more than 60 percent of all web traffic happens in a mobile environment. With this in mind, you need to make sure that your website is optimized for the mobile experience. Some simple ways to do this are to avoid long chunks of text, stay away from images embedded with copy, and not add too many bells and whistles that will slow down your load time. Also, make links to your phone number clickable–this way users can reach out and make contact with just one click.

Improving Your Website’s E-A-T

With an increased focus on quality, Google is putting more emphasis on pages that demonstrate expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). Basically, Google wants to put its users in front of content that provides value. This harkens back a bit to the quality content trend: the words that you put on your website should be written by someone knowledgeable and users should be able to trust what they are reading. This can be done by linking to reputable sources, as well as by generating backlinks, which can paint you as an authority.

Working with a Seasoned SEO Service

Since SEO is an ever-changing idea, it may be wise for you to work with an agent who stays on top of the latest industry trends. At SEO Service Inc., we take pride in giving our clients fully customized SEO strategies built to improve their online presence. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us today at (888)717-7870 and schedule an initial consultation with one of our SEO experts.