SEO Myths That You Should Never Follow

SEO Myths That You Should Never Follow
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Even though every expert in the marketing industry wholeheartedly agrees that SEO is the basis of every successful campaign, doubts are still in the air. This might come off as a surprise in this day and age, but it’s not so paradoxical as it seems. More information leads to more confusion. So, whether you’re an up and coming brand manager or your SEO campaigns aren’t taking off, you should look at these SEO myths. Dispelling them once and hiring professional SEO services can work miracles.

  1. Google hates SEO

This is a flawed logic that’s been floating around for some time now. It’s based on the notion that Google doesn’t want people reaping the results of their SEO campaigns because it stops them from using the paid services of AdWords. Such a shaky notion can’t be less true, as it can be seen in Google’s official statements.

To boost companies, Google has stressed the importance of using SEO as a basis for every brand campaign. AdWords is nothing without a good SEO foundation, just as SEO can only reach its full potential through PPC.

  1. A one-time effort is good enough

Search Engine Optimization has much to do with being aware of current events and the unraveling of your previous efforts. Optimizing your site constantly is the only way to maintain or increase your ranking. A one-time effort can bring you results for a few weeks, but as flaws will begin to get uncovered, you will be in a world of trouble.

Even the most successful companies in the world monitor every single piece of data to optimize their websites. If you’re not used to the process, make a monthly assessment and brainstorm about your next move. This will create a valuable routine that can get you far and make your brand noteworthy.

  1. Social interaction doesn’t affect your SEO ranking

This myth revolves around the assumption that social media provides the marketer with only a brute and inefficient method of promotion. However, it’s been confirmed by many of Google’s high-ranking officials that social media pages are indexes and affect rankings indeed. It works just the same as linking, with a few added benefits in the process.

However, just as linking on bad sites can be a nightmare, social media pages with a bad reputation can also damage your hard work. Being careful and meticulous about your assessments will do just fine.

SEO Myths That You Should Never Follow

  1. Guest blogging

An interaction between blogs and websites has always been an effective way to boost your ranking. After some controversy due to the Hummingbird update, people have started an uproar about guest blogging being obsolete. It’s a legitimate way to create links, both business and financial. Professional SEO service could help, too.

The only things you need to watch for are the qualities of the blogs that you cooperate with. Are they trustworthy? Do they have crappy content? Have they had problems with their rankings? Choose wisely and you shall be rewarded.

Website Depot is a Hollywood Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency. As Google Partners, we know everything related to SEO and how it can benefit your business. Please call us at (888) 477-9540 to get more information.