SEO Mistakes Home Improvement Companies Make 

SEO services in Los Angeles

Have you been trying to get your home improvement SEO services up and running? Does it feel like you’re doing everything right but the results just aren’t there yet? There are many similarities between SEO and home improvement, but there is one significant, important difference: SEO doesn’t work overnight. Even the best, most effective SEO strategy takes time to truly show results. Those are the kinds of SEO services in Los Angeles we provide. 

We have many successful clients in the home improvement industry. General contractors, roofers, HVAC professionals, and many others – here at Website Depot, we’ve helped many different kinds of home improvement professionals to have the SEO results that they want. One of the first steps that we often take is to perform a thorough audit of our clients. Below are some of the more common problems that we’ve found, all of which (and more) we can help with. 

SEO services in Los Angeles

A Dearth of (the Right Kind of) Content 

Many of our home improvement clients know that they need to have some kind of explanation as to what it is they do on their site. Most tend to have at least some kind of description of the services they offer, pictures of work they’ve done, and so forth. That is the bare minimum. That’s enough to start, it’s not enough to truly implement an SEO strategy so that you can bring in more clients consistently. 

You need to produce quality content on a consistent basis. Moreover, this content needs to utilize well-researched keywords properly, so that you can grow in the manner you want to grow. How do you determine if your content is quality or not? Simple: does it provide value? If someone reads your content, are they going to get something out of it? Or, will the content just say “we offer this service” without providing anything that the reader can use, can learn from, and so forth? 

The good news is: as a home improvement professional, you have everything you need to be able to create great, consistent content. Just educate folks about your work, what it is that you do. You can also tell them what they can do, sharing some of your expertise with them. Depending on what services you offer, you could create content about what to do if someone sees a leak in the roof, a wet spot on the wall, their air conditioner stops working, and so forth. 

That’s the kind of content that can help someone in an emergency. Moreover, it’s the kind of thing that, when someone sees it, it makes it all the more likely they’ll turn to you for help. 

Now, you’ll note that nothing in this section said “write.” Yes, blogs are important, but to truly grow your SEO, you want to have many kinds of content: videos, podcasts, infographics, and more. 

SEO services in Los Angeles

Your Content (that’s Truly Yours) 

You may have read the above and thought: “OK, well, there’s plenty of content like that online.” Sure. But, the point is to make content that’s truly yours. Don’t plagiarize. Don’t just copy and paste what someone else did. Moreover, don’t just write it out and replace some of the words or something like that. 

Will readers know? Maybe. Maybe not. Who will know? Google. Specifically, Google’s Web Crawlers. You want them to like your content, your site, and more. It’s a major ranking factor. Moreover, if they detect even the briefest hint of plagiarism, they could penalize you severely. It’s just not worth it. 

Besides, content is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to let people know how you can help them, to truly prove to them why you’re the home improvement specialist who can provide them with solutions, who can meet their needs. Rising to the challenge of quality content shows prospective clients and Google you can rise to the challenge of home improvement. 

A Website That’s Not Up to Code 

If you’re like so many home improvement specialists that make up our client base, you know what it’s like to walk into a home that’s been ill-maintained. The walls sag, nothing looks right, it may feel like the building is going to come down at any moment and you want to leave immediately. Too often, that’s what prospective clients may feel when they look at your website. 

A website is like your office online. It very often is what makes and cements a person’s first impression. If it doesn’t load quickly, if it doesn’t look right, if some of the links are broken, if it’s impossible to use on their phone, or if someone encounters any number of other common problems, the odds that someone is going to stay on your site are low. That’s just to stay on your site, much less to reach out to your home improvement company. 

You want a website that truly represents your business, your brand. You deserve a website that lets the world know just how good you are at your job, how much prospective clients can trust you with their properties, their homes. 

SEO services in Los Angeles

Our SEO Services in Los Angeles 

The above are some of the more common problems that we see, yes. However, they’re all things that we can fix, that we can improve. Now, we can put that experience to work for you. Our home improvement SEO specialists can help your company to grow online. We have many packages available, but we can also customize one for you, too. 

For a free consultation with our pros to discuss how our SEO services in Los Angeles can help you, just call (888) 477-9540.