lawyer seo marketing

SEO For Attorneys

Through years of tried and true methods and experience, Website Depot offers specialized Digital Marketing solutions specifically for attorneys. We don’t boast to have any secret formulas or tricks up our sleeves to generate new business for you, rather, our team of specialists put in the time on your behalf to get your name out there in all of the digital channels that can help you the most.

lawyer seo marketing

Here are a few ways that Website Depot can help lawyers improve their SEO and online rankings:

Attorney Keyword Research

Conducting thorough keyword research: Website Depot can help lawyers identify the most relevant and valuable keywords to target for their practice area and location. By optimizing their website content and metadata with these keywords, lawyers can improve their chances of appearing higher in SERPs.

Attorney Keyword Research

Content Production for Attorneys

Website Depot can help lawyers create informative and engaging content for their website, such as blog posts, articles, and legal guides. This content can help establish the lawyer’s expertise and authority in their field, as well as attract more traffic to their website.

Content Production for Attorneys

Web Design & Optimization

Website Depot can help ensure that the lawyer’s website is designed and structured in a way that is user-friendly and search engine-friendly. This includes optimizing page load times, improving website navigation, and ensuring that the website is mobile-responsive.

Web Design & Optimization

Attorney Backlinks

Website Depot can help lawyers build high-quality backlinks to their website from authoritative sources in their industry. This can improve the lawyer’s domain authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines, which can lead to higher search rankings.

Attorney Backlinks

Overall, by working with Website Depot, lawyers can take a comprehensive approach to their SEO strategy and improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages for relevant keywords and phrases.


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We will help you become visible to a new world of potential clients, boosting your presence in:

Attorney SEO

Map Searches

Map Listings

Attorney Directories

Social Media Channels


Review Websites like Yelp and Avvo

Digital Advertising Space

Attorneys and law firms who are in need of an improved inflow of leads can reach out to Website Depot’s team of  SEO experts for lawyers.  We excel at forming working strategies because we take the time to form a unique plan for each client. There is no cookie-cutter approach to the way we go about marketing each attorney.


Comprehensive Online Marketing 

An attorney is an authority. 

They’re an authority on the law and they use that to help others. 

When someone goes online to find an attorney, more often than not, that’s what they want to find: a real authority. Someone who knows what they’re doing and is able to help them. 

We can work with you to make sure that your law firm is seen as the authority it is. 

That can be done in any number of ways. 

For one, content.

Great “how-to” guides, advice, blogs, and more can show anyone stopping by just how helpful and authoritative a law firm can be. Even if someone isn’t looking for a law firm right now, the right kind of content can make someone reach out when they really are in need. Moreover, great content gets shared. Sooner vs. later, it gets in front of someone who needs a law firm right now. 

“Content” isn’t just “blogs,” of course (although it very well can be). 

Videos, podcasts, virtual events, and more – putting a knowledgeable, helpful, human face on a law firm can pay lasting dividends. 

The above may not sound like “SEO” but it is. 

See, “SEO,” in and of itself, may not be enough to help your law firm to rank where you want it to rank. 

However, when working in tandem with web design, content marketing, social media marketing, and more, your SEO for attorneys can make your law firm rank higher than ever before. 

Just as a team of attorneys working together can make for a stronger case, all of those elements working together can make your law firm’s online presence to be that much stronger. 

All of that having been said, we understand that the end goal of a law firm isn’t “rankings.” Rather, it’s clients. It’s conversions, the bottom line. We can help there, too. 

Our SEO can help you to rank higher in many different ways. 


lawyers seo

Why SEO is So Important for Law Firms 

Simply put, it’s because it reaches your customers where you are. 

Really, online marketing and SEO are the next steps in law firm marketing evolution. 

Radio ads, bus stop ads, and the like can still reach prospective clients, of course. 

But, online marketing can reach so many more. 

Moreover, it can reach people at the specific moment they’re looking for an attorney. 

So, we make sure that when folks are looking for a law firm like yours, they don’t just find “a law firm like yours.” 

We make it so they can find you. 

We’ve successfully run Digital Marketing Campaigns for Attorneys in the following areas of law:


Personal Injury Attorneys

Criminal Defense Attorneys

Employment Attorneys

Immigration Attorneys

Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Copyright Attorneys

Tax Attorneys




Social Media For Lawyers

Not Just Ads and Posting – a Strategy 

Have you tried social media marketing in the past but found you didn’t get the results you felt you should? 

Did you try Google ads and find it underwhelming? Or, have you stayed away from it because it didn’t seem like it was a good fit? 

That’s perfectly understandable. 

Social media platforms, Google Ads, SEO, they’re all very powerful. 

However, they aren’t magic. 

They’re tools. 

Powerful tools, but tools nonetheless. 

To get the most out of them, they have to be used properly. 

Misuse or even misunderstanding can lead to wasted time, wasted money, and worse. 



Ready to Work With You 

In the modern-day, a law firm basically can’t afford to go without SEO. 

Just about every law firm has some version of it. 

Instead of hiring some freelancer who’s never done it, or trying to do it yourself, hire someone who’s done it before. 

You put too much into your law firm to be let down by mediocre SEO. 

Here at Website Depot, we can put together a personalized strategy for your law firm. 

This strategy may not just be SEO for attorneys; it could also include web design, social media marketing, content, and so much more. 

Then, we can implement it quickly. 

From there, we can continue to improve it until it helps your law firm to get to where you want to go and beyond. 

To start the conversation, you can give us a call at (888) 477-9540. 


Don’t just get leads, get the right leads.


We’ll Make Sure It’s You They Call


If you practice law: claim your free consultation + website audit by filling in your information here:

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Google Partners On Your Side 

Google Partners Directory

You might have read to this point and thought: “OK, this all sounds great. But, why should we trust you? What is it about Website Depot that sets you apart from other digital marketing companies offering SEO for attorneys?” 

For one, we are Certified Google Partners

That means that Google lets us look “under the hood,” so to speak. 

We know what Google is looking for in its rankings. 

We don’t “sort of” know, nor do we have “an idea.” Instead, we know exactly what Google wants. 

So, we can tailor your SEO, web design, content marketing, and everything else to that. 

Google changes its criteria often. 

We stay on top of it so that you don’t have to. 

Since we know what Google expects out of a law firm, we’re able to provide that and much more. That way, you’re able to do better in both the eyes of Google as well as prospective clients.