SEO and SEM: Are They the Same?

SEO services can get your plastic surgery website to the first page of Google or any search engine. But you might wonder whether to use plastic surgeons SEO or SEM. Are these two techniques the same? If they’re not what are their differences? Let’s find out here.
Are Plastic Surgeons SEO and SEM the Same Thing?
They’re not the same thing. Search engine optimization (SEO) optimizes a site to obtain traffic from organic search results. Search engine marketing (SEM), on the other hand, is to get traffic from organic and paid searches. When you go to Google and search for something, you’ll be presented with paid and organic search results. SEO will rank your plastic surgery’s website in the organic search results. SEM will make your site appear on the paid area of the search results through pay per click (PPC). In other words, to get your site to appear on both paid and organic search results areas, you need to pay.
What are the Main Plastic Surgeons SEO Services?
SEO is free organic search traffic. However, to take advantage of it, you need to optimize your site to rank in organic results pages. Google utilizes hundreds of ranking signals to rank a site. To ensure that your plastic surgeon’s site is on the radar of Google, you need to target those ranking signals through on-page SEO and off-page SEO. The main SEO services will target both on-page and off-page SEO. The former optimizes your site around key phrases that your potential clients are searching for in Google and other search engines. The latter, on the other hand, is about getting authority signals from other websites. And this is where backlinks come in. However, just because you get backlinks to your site, it doesn’t mean that they can boost your ranking. There are several factors that can make or break your ranks through backlinks.
Is Technical SEO a part of SEO?
Yes, technical SEO must be part of any SEO service. This will ensure that search engines can crawl your site. Once they crawl your site, they can index your pages. But that’s not all technical SEO can do. It can also ensure that the pages load quickly. Furthermore, it makes sure that the site architecture is being set up correctly. As you can see, there are many things that you need to tweak on your site to ensure that search engines will find it. It’s tricky to attract the search engines and present your site to the searcher. However, with an expertise of an SEO specialist, your site can get on top of the search engine results page for the keywords you’re targeting.
Should You Choose SEO or SEM?
It depends on your goal. Plastic surgeons SEO services can help your site land on top of the SERP. But it can take time to achieve it. To find out more about how you can boost your site’s ranking through SEO services, please call: (213) 322-0770.