Why you should redesign your website every year

Why you Should Redesign your Website

Your business web site is very much like a digital version of a brick and mortar business. Though it would be far more convenient for a website to operate like an old “set it and forget it” infomercial, it just doesn’t work that simply. Just like a physical store front, a website is subject to wear and tear over time. These errors occur in site platform updates, bugs and glitches, hacks, and simply time with material appearing dated. When websites perform automatic updates through either their platform or hosting, or in some sense when certain connections are broken, the website can appear to be knocked out of whack. It’s very important to analyze why you should redesign your website. Columns, words, contacts, can appear to be messed up or suddenly have forfeited their functionality. Bottom line, your site requires maintenance just like a store front needs it’s windows washed and gutters cleaned.

Chances are, you’ve let your site run far too long without a good update, and it’s experiencing some significant errors that not only hurt your user experience but your ranking in a search engine as well. Updating, redesigning, and putting the effort into your site is something all website owners should be prepared for every year, but seldom are actually aware of what is required to have a good site.

Why you Should Redesign your WebsiteTime To Start Fresh

It’s a new year, and that’s the perfect reason to get started on the right track. Website Depot is a one stop shop experience. Updating, redesigning, adding content, and reformatting all of your content can be done in house for affordable rates through a team of skilled developers. As a small agency, Website Depot operates on a tightly knit structure, giving your site the time of day not normally attainable through hiring someone online. This is valuable on many levels, as your site can be addressed with care and consideration allowing you to make changes through the team without an endless string of emails back and forth.

When redesigning your site, consider what makes people want to be there or more so why they came in the first place. If you’re a service provider such as a contractor, an electrician, or an interior designer, your calls to action are going to be what makes having a site worthwhile. This means enhancing your visitor’s ability to contact you via phone, email, or contact forms. Getting them there as fast as possible should be your sites number one priority so your visitors become customers.

Why you Should Redesign your WebsiteKeep them on your site

If your site is based on traffic and viral aspects that cater to ad revenue, then your site should be able to hold a visitors attention for as long as possible. Some key tips that many modern websites overlook is the reduction of exits on your site. Everyone wants more likes, follows, and communication through their social media channels. The difference between those and your site is that your social media should always be getting somebody into your site, while your site should not easily take them to the social media channel. Creating effective widgets to share content and like pages without exiting the URL are imperative for maintaining highly interactive traffic, who are more than willing to scroll seamlessly through your site without hesitation.

These strategies and more can be discussed in great detail with any of the Website Depot team. So in 2016 we wish you a happy new year and encourage you to take care of your website with the consultation of an expert Web Agency. Contact Website Depot today at 323-912-1105 or contact@websitedepot.com