How to Perform On-Page SEO in 2019

On-page SEO remains a vital factor in optimizing search engines. It is an aspect that you can control. If you do it right, it can help increase your search ranking. On-page SEO in 2019 is more important than ever, so here are some SEO experts’ recommendations you can apply.
Make Meta Robots Accessible to Bots
It is vital that the meta robots tag is accessible for crawling. If Googlebot cannot crawl it, you can never find that page in search.
You must also avoid disallowing crawling on pages that you wish to rank in search engines. Fix it by going to your robots.txt file. It is also vital that the page’s URL is in the site map.
Add Schema Markup
Schema markup allows you to spoon-feed the search engines your page and its content. In that case, you need to include scheme markup in your pages.
Repair Internal Links
If you are trying to rank for high protein drinks, you need to show to the search engines that you have other internal pages about the said topic.
Thus, your internal pages’ linking should have anchor text such as, “high protein drinks,” “protein drinks for weight loss,” or “drinks high in protein.”
Make Your Site Secure
Security is also one of the ranking factors of Google.
Purchase an SSL now because Google takes into account the security of a site. In fact, when it detects that your site does not have an SSL, it warns the users. It actually shows that warning on Google search.
Make It A Responsive Mobile Design
It is pertinent; our SEO expert, Danny, cannot emphasize it enough. Keep in mind that part of Google’s changes in its algorithm is mobile-first indexing. If your site is not yet responsive for mobile, your SEO campaign in 2019 might not take off.
Publish High-Quality Content Only
Google emphasized on its guidelines that content can make or break your site. In that case, it is vital that you provide high-quality content only.
When you make unique content, make sure it is optimized for intent. When you go to Google and search for a certain keyword, evaluate the SERP for that keyword.
If the page shows a lot of images and videos it is an indication that you need to incorporate these multimedia files into your page.
Why? People like to consume these. They are more likely to click sites with videos and images when they search a keyword.
Crush Your Competition with On-Page SEO
These SEO recommendations are just some of the things you can do for your website to rank well. There are plenty more that you can perform.
But do you have time to in order to crush your competition? If you don’t, then it is better to leave this task to our SEO experts.
We are an SEO agency in Los Angeles and we can scale your business. Our decade’s worth of experience in scaling and building brands will supercharge your brand and help it rank well on search engines.
Let us help today with our SEO expert recommendations and more: +1 (213) 322-0770.