Our Omnichannel Digital Marketing Agency on What to Consider for 2023

Digital Marketing Agency

Have you been looking for ways to grow your business in the new year? Did you already read a bunch of articles that say “hey, you have to do this for 2023” and they’ve all started to read the same? Recent years have shown us (not that it was ever in doubt) that it’s impossible to predict the future. But, what you can always do is to prepare. You can use what you have to be as ready as possible for the future, come what may. Below are some of the trends that our omnichannel digital marketing agency believes will continue in 2023. 

It’s important to note that, here at Website Depot, we provide customized solutions to our clients. So, not all of them will need to utilize all of this. But, we’ll incorporate plenty of it into what we’re doing for our clients. 

TikTok, TikTok, TikTok 

This year, we helped so many of our clients to either get on TikTok or to grow the TikTok base they already had. There are plenty of reasons for that, not the least of which is that TikTok’s growth shows no signs of slowing down. Last year, TikTok had “approximately 86.9 million users in the United States,” according to Statista. Moreover, that “figure is projected to increase by around eight percent year over year.” 

So, this juggernaut will only get bigger and bigger. More businesses than ever are on TikTok, finding members of their audience that they may not have been able to reach elsewhere. The days of thinking “well, our audience isn’t young enough to be on TikTok” are long gone. Today, TikTok is one of the best ways to reach your audience. Tomorrow, it’s going to be even better. 

True “Omnichannel” Digital Marketing 

This past year, “omnichannel” marketing became more than mainstream; at this point, it’s practically necessary for growth. Essentially, it means that your business is on just about every platform a person could conceivably use. Yes, you don’t want to spread yourself too thin, but, you don’t want to ignore potential customers/clients of yours who are out there looking for you. In 2022, we helped more of our clients to be found easier across essentially all platforms. 

That’s not going to stop in 2023, either. Omnichannel marketing is only going to become more important as more potential clients/customers diversify where they go online. Thus, you want them to be able to find you practically anywhere. It’s fine to have some channels that you focus on more than others. But, to be able to reach the people you want to reach, omnichannel digital marketing is the best way forward. 

Video and Streaming 

Part of omnichannel marketing is video. This year, we helped more of our clients to put more videos out there that helped their businesses. That will continue into 2023 and beyond, too. The videos we made for our clients were just that: for our clients. They were made for their specific needs. Some were informational, establishing our clients’ bona fide authority while providing real, actionable knowledge that their customers/clients want to know. Others were more promotional in nature, showing off goods and services as well as exactly how they can provide real solutions. 

All of them, however, was entertaining, fun, and worth watching. That, in and of itself, is real value. That’s what your customers/clients want: something that they’re going to get something out of. Everything we put out, from videos to podcasts and everything else, had that not-so-secret ingredient: they’re something someone would want to watch. That’s what every video (and really, a piece of content) needs. 

Three Cheers for Voice Search 

In the past, we’ve mentioned how voice search is becoming more popular and prevalent. We see that continuing into 2023, too. We’ve helped our clients with that throughout the last so many years and will do so going into the new year, too. A major part of this that so many overlook: when you’re targeting voice search, keep it conversational. 

Sure, your keyword may be “pizza delivery Silverlake.” But, it’s unlikely that someone, driving home in their car after a long day at work and hoping to have a pizza waiting for them when they arrive home is going to say “pizza delivery Silverlake” out loud like some kind of robot. Instead, they’re going to say it like they would say it to someone else: “pizza delivery in Silverlake.” “What’s the best pizza delivery in Silverlake?” 

Here, we see a rule for good content that also helps with optimizing for voice search. If your content doesn’t read as a human being wrote it, then it’s not going to connect to a human being. We’ve always said, “before you publish written content, make sure you read it out loud.” The same holds true here. If it doesn’t sound like a person said it (or would say it), then it’s not conversational enough to help you optimize for voice search.

Digital Marketing Agency

Here’s to a Great 2023 from our Omnichannel Digital Marketing Agency 

2022 was a year of great growth for us and our clients. This year, finally, it felt like the world truly opened up again for good. We expect that kind of growth to continue into 2023. Even with new technologies, new methodologies, and the like, the same fundamentals of hard work always apply. 

We’ve been so grateful to have helped so many of our clients to continue their journeys of growth in the past year. We can do the same for your company, too. There are multiple digital marketing packages available on our site. But, we can always customize one for you and your company, too. You can schedule a free consultation with our omnichannel digital marketing agency experts either through our site or by giving us a call at (888) 477-9540