How To Mix UX And SEO In Improving Your Site’s Performance?

UX (user experience) and SEO go hand in hand. They are a perfect match in improving your site’s performance. Nowadays, one cannot stand without the other.

That’s because UX focuses on people. Its decisions are based on design preferences and industry trends. SEO, on the other hand, focuses on your actual site and the data it covers. Its primary goal is to increase content’s visibility in search engines.

However, Google wants that when you optimize your site, the center of its attention must still be your users. In other words, make sure that your pages are designed for the users and not for the search engines.

For that reason, SEO cannot work without having to focus on your site’s performance. Listed below are some points that you can do to improve your site’s performance by blending UX and SEO.

Make Content For Your Users

Your site’s UX and SEO must focus on your user. Thus, when you make content, always think of your user. That is, the content should satisfy your visitors, instead of the search engines. When you emphasize your user’s needs, it improves your site’s performance. Your audience will reward your effort by increasing the time they spent on your site. And Google wants that.

Aim For Readability

Your content should be appealing to your users. Thus, it should aim at quality, engagement, and relevance. When it is appealing, it makes your users spend more time on your content. Your site’s UX will enhance your content’s appeal and its readability, thereby, boosting your SEO strategy.

Use Visual Content

It also contributes to the appeal of your site’s page while UX and SEO focus on search engine optimization. Because human beings tend to process visual elements faster than they process written information, visual content becomes more important to improve the user experience.

On the part of SEO, you can optimize your visual content to help search engines discover it. This is another way to lead traffic to your site, thereby, increasing your site’s search engine ranking.

If you are not sure how to mix UX and SEO, you should consider hiring an SEO expert. At SEO Expert Danny, we can design your site in a way that user experience blends well with SEO. Not only that, but we also make sure that your site will gain the long term benefits of white hat SEO techniques.

Call us today to know more about our SEO packages: +1-213-457-3250