Law Firm SEO Tips to Create Relevant Content for Law Firms

Content is important to law firm SEO for many reasons. It can help to lower your bounce rate, increase your organic backlinking, and show Google that, yes, your law practice is a great fit for the keywords you want to rank for.
“We’ll fight for you.”
“Call us for a free consultation.”
Those are great sentiments for a law firm to express in their content. However, your content has to be so much more than just that.
That said, content is critical because it shows prospective clients that you are an authority. Great content shows that they should come to you with their case because you’re the best attorney for the job. We’ve helped plenty of law practices just like yours to have the content that makes a difference.
Write for Your Audience
As a lawyer, you’re many things, not the least of which is a professional communicator. If you’re like so many others, you enjoy “legalese,” speaking in legal jargon, etc. When creating content, consider taking that out.
Many of your readers aren’t going to know what you’re talking about. Moreover, it could slow down their consumption of your content, possibly even getting them to close it. That’s not what you want.
Instead, try to make your sentences shorter. More to the point. Short paragraphs, up to four or five lines maximum on a page can make for a faster read. To speed things up further: consider subheadings, as you can see in this blog.
What you’ll most likely find is that by making your writing shorter you’re improving your writing. By getting to the point quickly, you’re more likely to connect to prospective clients. Moreover, if you can express complicated legal ideas or terms in short, descriptive sentences, people are more likely to believe that you can do a great job with their case.
Many Kinds of Content
The above having been said, there’s more to content now than just blogs. As a law practice, you’re probably going to want service and/or landing pages as well. These pages will be for different kinds of law you practice in addition to your home page.
So, if you’re a personal injury attorney, you’ll have pages for “car accidents,” “motorcycle accidents,” “slip and fall accidents,” etc. Additionally, as a law practice, you’re going to want to dominate your local law firm SEO as well. Thus, you could be well-served by landing pages for your immediate geographic area.
Many of our clients who practice law in Southern California have pages such as “personal injury attorney Los Angeles.” Additionally, they have “personal injury attorney Silverlake,” “personal injury lawyer Van Nuys,” and so forth. Blogs can be critical, but there’s so much more to content than just blogs alone.
Let Them Get to Know You
Furthermore, there’s so much more to content than just writing. Videos and podcasts can do wonders for your law practice. Yes, they can help you to climb the ranks of law firm SEO as well as showcase your law practice in front of more people than ever before.
But, just as (if not more) importantly, they give prospective clients an opportunity to get to know you. Instead of just reading your words on their phone, they’ll get to see and hear from you. That can help them to make that all-important connection that pushes them to reach out to you for a free consultation.
Videos, podcasts, and more can help in multiple ways. For example, a video can let them see you, while a podcast could be something that someone listens to in the car, at work, when out for a walk, etc. You can film yourself or you can have someone ask you questions about topics.
Recycling: Good for the Environment as Well as Your Content
You may have read the above section and thought: “er, I’m not sure that I’m ready for a podcast, video marketing, or the like. What would I say?” The good news is that you don’t have to come up with something “new” exactly.
Instead, recycle the content you already have. For example, if you have a landing page about what to do if someone is injured in a bicycle accident, you can make that into a video. You could pull some parts from it and say them right to the camera. Or, you could have someone ask you questions where you would explain what to do if someone is in such an injury.
With this, you’ll be able to get so much out of the content you already have. Moreover, it can keep you from dealing with “writer’s block” or anything of that nature.
A Digital Marketing Agency to Make Your Content Count
The above are some ways that we’ve helped attorneys to improve their law firm SEO. Recently, we’ve added some packages that are just for law firms, so that they can climb as high in the rankings as they would like.
Now, we can do the same for you. Our clients have been able to help more folks than ever before. To schedule a consultation with our digital marketing agency, just give us a call at (888) 477-9540.