LA SEO Service Content Tips You May Not Have Thought Of Yet 

Content for Search Engine Optimization
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Does it feel like a struggle to come up with new ideas for your content? Have you gone through seemingly everything you could think to write/post/film/discuss and you’ve still got nothing? That’s how it can feel sometimes when you’re creating content. As an LA SEO service provider, our agency creates content for clients all over the country daily, which means I have to create content daily. These are some tips I use when the well is running dry, so to speak. 


As ever, when I provide a tip, that doesn’t mean that you have to do it exactly as I’ve mentioned it. Instead, you could find a way that it best works for you. That way, you can see how it connects to you, your work, and your life. If what I’ve written here works for you, great! What may work better is how you can build off it to make it fit your needs. 


What’s New or Right for the Time


This is my favorite technique. This is what I do when I’m on deadline, when I’m stuck, when something has to be done right now: I look at what’s new. I look at what the client is offering that’s new, or even what’s the newest service/product/good that they offer. 


You might have read to this point and thought: “OK, Greg, sure. That sounds easy. But I work in an industry where nothing is ever really ‘new.’ What am I supposed to do then?” For those clients, I write about something that’s topical. 


Case in point: one of my clients is a truly great personal injury lawyer serving all of California. Recently, I was tasked with writing blogs for him. Now, he already has all kinds of tremendous content about what to do after a vehicular accident, what to do if you’re in an accident, what an attorney does, and so forth. 


So, instead, I wrote a blog about how to be safer on the roads, whether you’re a driver, a pedestrian, a motorcyclist, a bicyclist, or anyone else. This is still very much in keeping with what it is that he does,  yes. But, it’s also new, it’s topical, it’s relevant, and it shows why you should trust him all while making a human connection with the reader. 


You don’t have to be a successful attorney for that strategy to work for you and your content. 


What Isn’t New (But Is Still Relevant) 


If you’re like a lot of the clients I have, then you probably have plenty of old content that just isn’t doing anything for you. Maybe you’ve got pages and pages of old blogs. Perhaps there are endless service pages, many of which are for services you haven’t offered in a while, and so forth. 


Content is king,  yes, as we’ve heard many times. But, to use another analogy, content can be like clothing, too. Just because it’s old, that doesn’t mean you’re precluded from ever using it again. You can use it to help your business today. 


If you’re stuck for ideas, go back through your old content. Indeed, if I have a client I’m feeling a bit stuck on, I’ll go back, way back, as far as I can. Typically, with these clients, I’m going back to long before I began writing/creating content for them. 


Then, skim the content. Is it any good? Does it read well? And, most importantly, is it still true? Even if it all isn’t still true/appropriate for your business, even a little can go a long way. 


If you’re stuck, go through a few (or several, if necessary) old blogs, taking something that’s true and relevant from each (if possible). Take one idea from one blog, and another idea from another blog. To make things easier on myself, I tend to put these all into one Google doc, copying and pasting them. 


Then, use that as your scratch pad. Use it at your outline. Take that old content and make it new. Now, you have a bunch of good ideas. Combine that with your current knowledge of your needs, your company, etc., and use that to create new content. 


This method never really fails. It always helps me to not just create great content for my LA SEO service clients, yes, but to also reconnect to a company’s core values. 


What Can Be Described in a New Way 


You’ll note that, throughout this blog, I’ve referenced this in the context of, well, writing blogs. That’s much (though by no means solely) what I do, so I tend to think about blogs a lot. That said, you can use old content to make great new content that has nothing to do with blogs. 


For example, go back and look at what I wrote about in the last section. Take what’s true from old blogs, what still matters to your company and your customers. You can use that to write a new blog, yes. But, you can also use it to create new forms of content, too. 


I’m willing to bet that when you wrote those old blogs that are no longer doing anything for you, there wasn’t a TikTok. (If you’re like many of my oldest clients, there may not have been Instagram, much less Instagram Reels when you started writing content.) 


So, you can take the good content that was in those old blogs and now repurpose it. Your potential customers on TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and the like, most likely haven’t heard the information in your old blogs. Now, you can repurpose that info and connect to new potential customers in a whole new way. 


An LA SEO Service to Fit Your Needs 


These are just some of the ways I make sure to keep the content mill moving here at Website Depot. There are many, many others. That said, I’m just part of a team. Sure, we’ve got a whole team of content creators. Beyond that, of course, we’ve also got an experienced team of SEO experts, Google Ads pros, web designers, web developers, and so much more. 


To see how we can help your company, schedule a free consultation with us through our site or call.