Improving Your Customer Experience Can Improve So Much Else 


Google Ads. SEO. Social media. Mobile optimization. Web design. 

These are all important. 

However, you don’t want to overlook “CX.” 

That’s the (somewhat pithy) abbreviation for “Customer Experience.”

For a short definition, think of this as how a customer feels about your brand, their perception of your company after having done business with you. 

To recognize the importance of this, just think about companies you’ve patronized whom you walked away with a positive impression of. Then, think of the ones where you walked away with a negative impression. 

Which one were you more likely to do business with? 


Customer Experience was always important. Now, however, it might be more important than ever. 


What a Recent Study Found 


Adobe, working in a partnership with Econsultancy, put together a global survey of “12,815 marketing, advertising, eCommerce, creative and IT professionals working for both brands and agencies.” 

A summary of what they found concluded “those companies that are succeeding are delivering first-class, personalized customer experiences built on a foundation of integrated marketing and CX technology.” 

Furthermore, “those organizations classifying themselves as ‘very advanced’ at customer experience are almost three times more likely than their peers to have exceeded their top 2018 business goal by a significant margin.” 

One thing that’s amazing about this is “only 10% of responding companies regard themselves as very advanced at CX.” 

Let’s unpack all this. 

Customer experience is important for many reasons. 

Companies that have made customer experience a high priority have seen great success. In fact, they tend to have found greater success than their competitors. 

However, few companies have really made CX that great a priority. A majority of companies feel like they’re just getting started with CX, if they’ve made any improvements to theirs at all. 

Now, CX isn’t just one thing. It’s made up of many factors. But, the higher quality more of yours are, the greater your CX will be. In turn, that can do as much if not more than anything else to turn “customers” into “return customers.” 

Additionally, maybe you’re one of the companies that, had you been reached out to for this global survey, would have put yourselves in the 90% who don’t regard themselves as very advanced at CX. 

In all likelihood, your director competitors are probably in that 90%, too. 

So, by improving your CX, it’s one more way that you can get an advantage over those you’re directly competing with. 


How it Applies Today 


Eagle-eyed readers who followed the link to the study will notice that it’s “The 2019 Digital Trends” report. 

That means it’s analyzing information from 2018 and 2019 to reach these conclusions. 

You might ask: “does this really apply right now? 2020 has been unlike any other year.” 

That’s absolutely true. 

But, if anything, CX is even more important now. 

More people are buying online than ever before. 

So, CX is certainly critical online when you’re competing against not just everyone in your physical area, but everyone who can ship similar products or goods to your customers. 

The same goes for off-line shopping, too. 

After all, even customers who are in the least hard-hit areas are being more cautious about where they shop. They’re far, far more likely to return to those locations that have prioritized CX over those that haven’t. 

If this whole “CX” thing seems a bit confusing, it doesn’t have to be. 

We can improve your CX greatly, alongside so much else. It’s one more way that we can help. For more: (888) 477-9540.