How to Promote Your Center with Drug Rehab Marketing

Have you been looking for more ways to promote your alcohol and drug rehab center? Or, alternatively, have you been looking for better ways to promote your center? Putting out content simply for the sake of “putting it out” can help you at the very beginning, but eventually, it’s not going to get you very far (if indeed it gets you far at all). The truth is that you need to develop an alcohol and drug rehab marketing strategy which you then follow through with best practices.
Over the years, many of our rehab clients initially came to us because they were promoting their center, they were working hard, they just weren’t seeing much in the way of results. So, one of our goals was to develop better ways to build upon their promotional efforts, so that they could get the ROI and the admits they were looking for.
Word of Mouth Isn’t Just Spoken Anymore, It’s Seen
When people say “word of mouth advertising,” they still tend to think of it as, well, people actually talking to each other. In rehab marketing, that certainly still holds true. Many of those who have overcome their addictions at our rehab center clients were referred there by someone they knew or referred someone else later on. That said, a great way to improve that “word of mouth” is to make sure that those words (as well as those mouths) get in front of more people.
Hence, testimonials. A short video of someone saying how your facility helped them can do wonders. It can be a great boost to your blogs, your social media posts, to say nothing of building your authority and driving your SEO. Testimonials don’t just have to come from those who have been through recovery – getting them from their family members can help, too.
But, testimonials and glowing recommendations don’t just have to be in video form, either (although you’re going to want plenty of those). Getting positive written reviews can still help. Your Google My Business, your Yelp, and even sites more specific to rehabs such as rehabs.com and others are the apex of “word of mouth” advertising.
Do you feel like there’s a lack of testimonials for your center? Then just ask. More often than not, folks who have successfully gone through treatment at your facility will want to share their stories, be able to help others in need, and so forth.
Engaging, Timely Social Media
For many who are new to advertising, a “social media strategy” consists of simply posting something on social media. You work hard on one post or another, targeted to the audience that you want to reach, you post it, and you’re good. That’s the foundation of a great social media marketing strategy, sure. But, it’s just the beginning.
With alcohol and drug rehab marketing, you want those who are looking at your content to like you, to trust you, to see you as someone that they can entrust with their lives (or the lives of those they love). Your social media marketing strategy should reflect that.
So, many of our rehab clients will have a mix of different kinds of content. There will be content showing off the amenities, facilities, and more. Posts about the rehab staff, humanizing them while listing their qualifications and experience. Statistics and news about addiction, treatment centers, and more can be greatly beneficial. As it’s social media, however, you also want to make sure that it’s timely.
To use an example, as of this writing, the Super Bowl is just a few days away. So, you can work that into your rehab centers social media posts. Perhaps you can discuss strategies about avoiding alcohol/social pressure doing the game. Maybe you want to include some inspirational stories of NFL alumni who are in recovery and overcoming addiction, etc. Those are just some ideas, and perhaps they aren’t right for your center. But, by creating timely posts such as these, you drive home to those reading that there are real, live, human beings behind the social media. Specifically, real, live caring human beings who can help.
Content Marketing that Adds Value
Everything said above also works for your rehab center’s content marketing, but you don’t have to be concerned with the content being “timely.” Rather, you want it to provide as much value as possible. Yes, you’re writing and creating your content so that you can take the best advantage of on-page/off-page optimization, technical SEO, climbing the Google Rankings for properly-researched keywords relevant to your business, and so forth.
But, to accomplish all of those things, your content needs to be value-laden, to have as much value as possible for the person that reads it. Your users want that, but so does Google. After all, they place a high premium on authority as well as on “bounce rate.” The better your content, the better your bounce rate will invariably be.
So, if you’re stuck on what kind of content to create (which can happen for even the best rehab centers), ask yourself: is there a format to put this content out there that I haven’t utilized yet? What was a great blog post two years ago could make for a fantastic infographic today? You could take that old blog post and make a super video about it, either filming what it’s talking about or even just having someone read it over images. How-to guides, press releases, email newsletters, and more – your content can be repurposed so new audiences can encounter it, appreciate it, and then reach out.
Drug Rehab Marketing Professionals
The above are just some of the strategies that we’ve worked with our rehab marketing clients on. There are more ways to promote your center than ever before. But, to get the most out of them, you have to take advantage of them in the best way. That’s where we can help. To get the most out of your alcohol and drug rehab marketing, call our experts for a free consultation at (888) 477-9540.