How to Get More Traffic Using SEO for Lawyers Effectively

SEO for lawyers
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Have you been working on your SEO strategy but haven’t yet gotten the results you want? Does it feel like you’re putting so much effort into your SEO yet don’t have the big payoff? Your SEO never really stops. To get as much out of it as possible, you need a consistent strategy that takes advantage of all of your available resources. The good news is that there’s more SEO for lawyers opportunities for growth than ever before. 

Here at Website Depot, we’ve helped our lawyer clients to grow in a variety of ways and on many different platforms. There are more ways than ever before to grow your SEO and put your firm in front of more prospective clients. 

SEO for lawyers

Constantly Well-Written Content, Well-Written Consistently 

You know that you need to have blogs, landing pages, service pages, and the like. But, it’s important to have them done the right way. That means having subheadings that help with the logical structure of your content (such as above). It also means using shorter sentences and paragraphs. A good rule of thumb: four lines or less in a paragraph. (Such as right here.) 

You also know to do keyword research. But, if you’re stuck, consider question keywords, too. After all, the folks searching for those are, quite literally, looking for help from an attorney. “Should I file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy?” “What do I do after a car accident?” “How do I file for workers’ comp?” There are question keywords that can do great work for your law firm in your area. 

Beyond that, you’re also going to need to constantly update that content, too. Writing blogs monthly (or even more frequently) can help, as can adding new service pages and the like. For some of your content, you may want to update it from time to time. As laws change and years go on, you can go back to pages that have performed well for you and make them even better. 

That said, of course, all of this content has to be well-written. Poor content, content that you create “just to create content,” isn’t going to help. Great content that provides value to prospective clients that’s uploaded on a consistent basis can help your firm plenty. 

SEO for lawyers

Don’t Forget the “Nuts and Bolts” SEO for Lawyers Details 

You’ve written great content, now what? Putting it up on your site isn’t enough to drive SEO, in and of itself (although it doesn’t hurt). If you want to get the most out of your SEO, you’re going to want to make sure that you’ve taken care of all of the little “nuts and bolts” details associated with SEO. 

That means having meta titles that are on point, meta descriptions that layout exactly what your content is about, and authoritative links. Even your website’s design can help your SEO. A website that’s easier to navigate, that has a coherent yet simple internal linking structure will make it all the more likely that someone will stay on your site for longer. 

That’s important for your SEO growth as Google takes “bounce rate” very seriously. The longer someone stays on your site, the better for your SEO (of course, the opposite is true here as well). Of course, if your site doesn’t load properly or quickly on someone’s phone or tablet, the odds are also not good that they will stay long on your site. 

Hence, it’s important to have a site that’s fully optimized for mobile, that’s truly responsive. That way, when someone does come to your site, they’ll be able to find what they need quickly, get the value from your content, and then click around to read more. That’s how you drive SEO and conversions. 

SEO for lawyers

Podcasting and YouTube 

“Content” is so much more than just writing. With your content, you want to improve your SEO. But, one task that great content should accomplish is to prove your “authority” as well. You want to be seen as an authority in the law that you practice. That way, folks will know that they can trust you with their case. 

The written word is a great way to do that. So too is podcasting. With a podcast, you can show, in real time, prospective clients how you can break down complex topics in a way that anyone could understand. You can give folks a real feel for who you are, both as an attorney and as a person. That kind of human connection can go a long way towards driving a conversion. 

YouTube videos can do the same thing. Depending on what methodology you go by, YouTube might very well be the 2nd biggest search engine in the world. Moreover, with so many new televisions, YouTube is something that people watch on their phones, computers, and even TVs. It gives you an opportunity to connect to more folks than ever. 

Plus, you can endlessly repurpose podcasts and videos. Put snippets on your social media, load them on your site, and so much more. 

SEO for Attorneys Experts 

The above are just some of the ways that attorneys can drive SEO. Those are some of the tactics that have been very effective for our clients. Now, we can put that experience to work for you. We know how difficult it can be to find the time in your busy schedule to do all of this. We can help. For a free consultation with our SEO for lawyers pros, you can give us a call at (888) 477-9540.