How Our Los Angeles Branding Agency Can Help You Prepare for 2025 

Branding in los angeles website depot

No matter how well you’ve done, there’s always more you can do better. That’s true for our Los Angeles branding agency and, I imagine, your company as well. We’ve had a great year here at Website Depot. Yet, as an employee of the company, I know that there’s always something that I can do to improve. As 2024 becomes 2025, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what I could do better. As I was doing so, it hit me: “these are ways that companies could improve their own branding in the year to come, too.”


Now, this is just what works for me. It may not work for you. That said, it very well could shake something loose, so to speak, in your mind. When I give someone advice, it’s never about just listening to and performing the advice. Rather, it’s about internalizing the intent. Then, make it into something that works for you. 


What’d You Do Well? 


Start with the positive. When I edit someone else’s writing and give notes, I always start with the positive. Then, I realized: “why am I treating others with a kindness I would not treat myself?” When you look at your own work, regardless of your industry, start with what went well. 


Why? Because you’re always going to best respond to that. Yes, it’s good to want to work hard, to recognize your shortcomings. But, in the long run (or even in the short run) you’re more likely to wear yourself down if you’re relentlessly, endlessly negative. Go over what you did best. 


This isn’t “looking at your company with rose-colored glasses.” Nor is it minimizing or excusing your own flaws. Instead, to look at the positive is to see your work clearer. If you only look at what’s wrong/what you could improve, then you aren’t seeing the full picture. You can only truly improve on what you’ve done if you can see the good in it as well as what needs to change. 


So, with that in mind, ask yourself what did your branding do right? What about your branding do your customers love and respond to? Don’t forget: what about your branding do you love and respond to? 


What Could You Improve?


Once you’ve been honest about all the good that you did, then it’s time to look at what needs to be improved. Again, when you look at what could be improved, being mean to yourself holds few benefits. 


When I’m looking at what I could do better, I look at my performance like I would an employee. A colleague. That’s not someone to whom I would be harsh or cruel. Instead, I would be honest, forthright, and as objective as possible. 


Remember: when assessing your branding (or really, any aspect of your company) the goal is to improve, not to punish. Being overly critical of your performance is just as much (if not more) of a mistake than to see it too positively. Be truthful in what didn’t go right. That’s the real foundation towards making it better. 


So, to that end, what didn’t work out? What did you try that failed? Alternatively, what did you not try that may have succeeded? Inaction can be its own mistake, too. 


What are You Doing to Help You Improve? 


You’ve identified what worked and you’ve made a note of what could be improved. That’s good. That’s where it starts. Now, what are you going to do about it? To just lay out your flaws isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to be able to turn those into real actions that you can take. 


This, again, is one more reason to be honest with yourself. If you’re too kind or too critical, you’re more likely to not take action. After all, if things are too good/all terrible, what would the point of action be? The more honest you can be with your assessment, the more likely you are to find the actions that you can take right now. 


That having been said, what are some real, tangible steps you can take in this year to improve your branding? Is there a new campaign you have in mind? Could it be something as small as focusing on new keywords to connect to more of your customers? 


I can say, as a member of a Los Angeles branding agency, January is the time of year when a lot of new clients reach out. They’ve resolved (for lack of a better word) to improve their performance in 2025. Our agency can do exactly that. 


What are Your Goals?


If you ever Google “how to set goals” or something similar, you’re probably going to come across that acronym “SMART.” in this context, it’s an acronym for “Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.” This is as good a place as any to start with goals in 2025. 


If you have a business, this is absolutely how you should be making goals. If your goals don’t meet those five criteria, then they’re going to be difficult to achieve, at the very least. If your goals aren’t “smart,” they aren’t worth pursuing. 


Should your goals not be measurable, then you’re unlikely to make any progress. Or, alternatively, if you make progress, how would you know? Goals that aren’t achievable are, by their definition, not worth it. The same goes for “relevant,” which feels synonymous with “smart” in this context. “Time-bound” goals are good because it’s more likely to spur you to action. 


If this helps you in making your goals, then go for it. 


And What are Your Dreams? 


It’s important to have those “SMART” goals, yes. But, it’s also important to have wild, unlikely dreams, too. That doesn’t mean you throw all of your time (and business) into pursuing them. But, it does mean that you open yourself up to the possibility of something unlikely happening that improves your business, too. 


You most likely started your business (or your job) with a dream. Just because you’re working now doesn’t mean that you’re precluded from dreaming. 


A Los Angeles Branding Agency To Help Through 2025 and Beyond 


Those are some of the ways that I’m assessing my own performance in 2024. Hopefully, that works for you. Or, alternatively, hopefully it helps you to find a way that does work for you. 


I’m just one member of a team here at Website Depot. We have an entire squad of professionals who can help your company to grow in this year and beyond. Schedule a free consultation today through our site.