How Can Local SEO Improve Your Law Firm’s Online Presence?

Search engine optimization, or SEO marketing for law firms, doesn’t have to be hard, but it does need to be tailored to your industry. An expert team of SEO attorney and law-focused strategies can give you an edge over your competitors. When properly implemented, SEO trumps other methods used by potential clients to locate a lawyer, such as social media and word of mouth.

Most of us turn to Google first when we’re on the lookout for a new local business. This is especially true in the legal business, in which search results are nowadays dominated by various complex algorithms. Keep on reading to find out everything you need to know about local SEO and how it can improve your law firm, such as how reputable SEO services can help you get higher rankings, thus greatly improving your chances of obtaining more clients.

Optimize the Site for User Experience

Good SEO for lawyers goes beyond simply optimizing your website for keywords in order to increase its visibility on Google and attract more clients. Also, you need to give your visitors the kind of streamlined experience they should expect from a modern website. Unfortunately, it is common for people looking for professional services to click on a link that appears promising, only to exit the page instantly due to a bad user experience.

Make sure your site is easy to use and navigate around. Pick a style that looks good while still being polished and professional.

Check The Page Load Times And Mobile Friendliness.

Finally, make sure your site’s pages and content are laid out in a way that makes it simple for visitors to find what they need.

What’s The Importance Of Local SEO?

Nowadays, it’s all about being connected. Our phones know exactly where we are ( whether we like it or not). And when a business knows how to rank well on Google for its local area, it can get steady traffic and new customers through organic search.

When it comes to SEO, there is a lot of competition among law firms to rank well online. But ranking on the first page of the search engine result pages, or SERPs can be much easier if you use local SEO. And once you’re on the first page, people who need your legal services will keep coming to your site. If someone searches for “personal injury attorneys near me” and your firm is close by, Google will make it easy for them to find you. Focusing on the local market has many benefits, as well.

Optimize Your Website and Create Specific Landing Pages

Websites are the gateways of all digital marketing efforts. There is a direct line between your website and all of your other marketing efforts. Does your website have any links that don’t work? Make sure to update these in the right way by adding a redirect to the right page. This way, Google won’t find any dead ends when it crawls your site. No matter how good your content is or how many backlinks you get, there are some things that will keep you from ever ranking. It is also important to know how quickly your site loads and what its most important parts are.

If your practice only has one location, make sure that location is on every page and post where it makes sense. Give Google and your potential clients more than one way to figure out where you are so you can rank for searches in your area. You can’t list all of your locations on one page. When search bots crawl your site, this will throw them off. If you want to rank in more than one place, you’ll need a page for each place.

Target Local Long-Tail Keywords

Move past general lawyer keywords like “injury lawyer,” as it will be very hard to rank for a term like that. Instead, think about what real people ask Google. Think about what people look for when they are trying to decide if they need a lawyer.

You should instead focus on longer keywords like “is it worth getting a personal injury lawyer?” or “how much does a work comp lawyer cost?” Longer queries and questions will give you a better chance of showing up first on the Google results page, thus bringing more traffic and potential clients.

Every Review Counts

People want to do business with companies they can rely on. And reviews, which are a form of social proof, are the fastest way to gain that trust.

The best place to start is to ask past customers to leave a review that is detailed and well-thought-out. Lastly, don’t ignore negative comments. This can be a great chance to respond and say you’re sorry for what happened. Again, this will help a lot when potential or future clients read your reviews.

Why Do You Need Professional Managed SEO Services?

When you work with marketing experts for law firms, you know you’re getting the best ideas for your firm. Not every SEO expert knows how things work in the legal field. And at SEO Services Inc, we believe in giving you clear reports so you can see how we’re putting your local SEO strategy into action.

If more people visit your website, that means your business will get more qualified leads. And if you get new leads every day, you’ll never have to worry about where your next client will come from. This is the peace of mind you can get from working with a pro.

Begin Growing Your Practice Right Now.

As you probably know, the legal industry is highly competitive and typically employs very bright people. To succeed, you must be aware of not only new legal developments but also of how people interact and communicate. It is also important to consider value for money when discussing SEO attorney services. Your legal services need a team that works around the clock to improve their search engine rankings. That’s why it’s important to hire a reputable firm like Website Depot Inc. if you’re based out of Los Angeles and seeking SEO For Lawyer’s services. You’ll have access to a powerful, highly professional, and highly efficient team working around the clock to boost your website’s search engine rankings. Call us today to begin growing your online business through our set of SEO services tailored for you.