Google Analytics: The Best Information Getting Even Better

Google never stops. They never quit trying to improve, well, everything. It’s part of our job to be on top of what they do. That way, we can continue to offer our clients the best way to improve their rankings correctly. Much of that comes from properly analyzing Google Analytics, as well as the utilization of Search Console.
Now, Google is experimenting with putting the data from both platforms into one report.
A Clearer View
The idea is to be able to combine the data in such a way that the report is accessible from either Analytics or Search Console. You may have already received some email notices telling you about this upcoming trial.
The real advantage of this is that you’ll be able to see all of the data in one place. One of the best parts of Google Analytics (as well as Search Console) is that you can see what’s working, and what could be improved.
Now, with this, you’ll be able to see both of these side by side. This further cuts down on any “guessing” or uncertainty. The more information you have, the better-informed decisions you can make as to what you’re doing online.
After all, you can’t argue with these results. No one’s saying they’re “biased,” “exaggerating,” or anything less than entirely truthful. What these results really are is a tool. They let you know what’s happened so that you can plan accordingly for the future.
A Path Forward, Come What May
As you’ve probably guessed, this is very much in the “trial” stage. We’ll know more as things develop. But, it’s safe to assume that Google will release some new way of seeing even more information more clearly in the near future.
Here at Website Depot, we utilize that information for our clients in so many ways. We can use it to figure out the best SEO, branding, social media posting, content, and more for your company. Drawing upon what you’ve already done, we can build on it and make it even better. If you’re just starting out, we can assist you in building a foundation that can help your company grow.
To see how we can best help with this (or anything else) don’t hesitate to reach out at (888) 477-9540.