Getting Started With Addiction Treatment SEO

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Have you been looking to get started with your rehab and addiction treatment SEO but don’t know where to begin? Or, did you already get started but you haven’t quite had the results you would like yet? It takes quite a commitment to devise and implement a digital marketing and SEO strategy. It takes even more to keep one going. Here at Website Depot, we’ve helped many rehab and treatment centers to have the kind of effective digital marketing that they’re proud of.
Now, when we say “get started” we mean “get started at any stage.” Many rehab and treatment centers that come to us, for example, have already “started” but they’ve plateaued. They’ve stagnated. Perhaps after an initial burst, they’ve leveled off. Below are some strategies that, regardless of where in your SEO strategy you are, you can implement.
The Very Beginning
It’s easy to be overwhelmed with SEO if you haven’t done anything yet. There’s so much to do, so much to learn, that it can cause a real case of “paralysis by analysis,” so to speak. At the very very beginning, our advice is to simplify things. Ask yourself: who do you want to target?
If you’re like so many of the treatment centers we work with, you want to target people who are struggling with certain addictions and their loved ones. Moreover, you want to do so in your geographic area. After all, Google views rehab and treatment centers as “local” businesses. A strong majority of your admits are going to come from nearby your facility. Thus, you want to be sure to target those around you.
The next question to ask then is: what are your best services? What are the ones that you want folks to know about? The answers to these two questions can go a long way toward forming the base of your SEO and digital marketing strategies. They work as goals, mission statements, and targets. From there, you can get right to work researching your keywords.
Fixing What’s Broken
You may have read to this part and thought: “OK, that’s nice, but my rehab is far past that part.” Many of our clients come to us after they’ve done the first, initial work. They have a website, they post on social media, they create content, and so forth. But, they’re also not seeing the results that they’re used to.
One of the most common problems we’ve found when many of our clients come to us is that there’s something wrong with their website that needs to be addressed. For example, they may have had content that was very successful in the past but no longer receives much traffic. Often, the problem is updating the information.
You can continue to have strong performing pages simply by updating the information within them. As new data comes out, new information comes to light, don’t be shy about updating what’s already there. The same goes for any graphs or even visuals that you have.
By that same token, if you have a piece of content (a blog or article) that’s been online for a while, then it could be that some of the links in there are broken. Fix them as soon as you’re aware. In fact, it can be helpful to go through your content every now and then just to look for broken links. Not every day, mind you, but that can be one of those “red flags” to a potential admit. If they go to your content and see that some of the links don’t work, it’s entirely possible that they could decide against your treatment facility on the spot.
Really, performing an audit of your site, content, and social media from time to time is always a good idea.
With Content
The best advice for any piece of content that you write, whether it’s a blog, article, landing page, social media post, or anything else, is to read it out loud. Before it’s posted, before it’s recorded, read it out loud. That way, you’ll be able to see exactly how it reads before it goes out. This, more than anything else, is the best way to proofread anything you do.
Beyond that, as a treatment center, there are certain expectations of your content. The person who’s looking for your content, your potential reader/admit, is someone that’s going to have specific questions. They’re going to come to your content for specific reasons. For example, many of them are going to be asking whether or not they or someone they love will actually need treatment.
That’s just one of the reasons that treatment centers get so much content out of “signs of addiction,” “what to do when someone you love has an addiction,” and so forth. Not only is that information people need, but it also shows your authority. It shows that your staff and facility can be trusted, so people should reach out to you.
Another factor that may drive people to content: someone needs treatment, but they want to know if your rehab is the best fit. Here’s where you can do so much with videos, with podcasts, with video tours, and more. Showcase what’s best about your center. You may want to touch on payment, too: how folks can pay for your facility. The better your content is, the more value it provides, the better you’ll do with webcrawlers as well as potential admits (and their loved ones).
Addiction Treatment SEO Experts
No matter what stage of your SEO and digital marketing you’re at, we can help. Here at Website Depot, we’ve helped so many rehab and treatment centers to go to the next level. No matter what “the next level” might be for you, we can help you to reach it. There are several packages available at our site. But, we always customize those for our clients, too.
For a free consultation with our addiction treatment SEO experts to see how we can help, call us at (888) 477-9540.