Getting Backlinks the Right Way for Lawyers’ Websites

backlinks for lawyers

Link building is vital no matter what site you’re running. And that includes law firm websites. But getting backlinks for lawyers’ websites can be quite tricky. 

You may already have existing clients. But they want to find out more about your firm and having an official website can offer them the information that they need. 

Unfortunately, just like any other website, you need to boost its rankings so your site appears on top of the search engine results page. And one way to do that is through backlinks. 


Ways to Get Backlinks for Lawyers’ Websites 


Update Directory Listings 

The easiest but most important way to get backlinks is through directory listing. Although the link you can get is usually “nofollow,” which doesn’t pass authority, the listing can still give your site sufficient traffic. 

However, directory listings aren’t created equal. You need to find well-ranked legal directories. 

But don’t just focus on legal directories. Non-legal directory listings can also provide enough weight. 

Yelp, for instance, carries significant weight to your ranking. 

And don’t forget to add or update your Google My Business profile. It can directly affect your site’s ranking. 


Guest Posting 

It may not be on top of your list. Some people frowned upon this technique. 

But guest posting is still an effective strategy in getting backlinks. 

But your law firm site must guest post only to relevant websites. If you’ve been given a chance to guest post to a relevant website, make sure that the post offers value to their audience. 

Don’t focus too much on keywords. Instead, offer relevant topics that can help their website visitors.

If your guest post resonates with their audience, the visitors will click on your links to know more about what you offer. 


Create Valuable Content on Your Site 

In addition to guest posting, you also need to add valuable, significant content to your website. But it must not be just any post. 

Make sure that it’s content that people will want to share and read because it offers value. 

However, even the most valuable content online doesn’t have any clicks and shares. There are numerous reasons for this. 

One is that the headline is lame. Another is that the format is unappealing. Then, your website loads like a sloth. 

These are just some of the reasons a website doesn’t gain any clicks or backlinks. 

To make the post more appealing to your audience, you need to add some graphics. Choose to post some videos and infographics to facilitate learning. 

And even though you’re in the legal business, it won’t hurt your law firm if you add humor to your content. 

Humor is one way to connect with your audience. 

And don’t forget to share your post on social media channels. 


Get Recognized 

Backlinks are indeed important. But they are time-consuming. And this is why many law firms in Los Angeles are opting for Website Depot’s backlinks services. 

If you wish to know more about our services that include SEO and digital marketing for lawyers’ websites, please contact us at (888) 477-9540.