Facebook and Its WordPress Plugin

Facebook and Its Wordpress Plugin

Facebook’s Instant Articles launched in February 2016, and the networking site introduced a plugin to target millions of publishers to use its platform.

Thanks to Facebook and Its WordPress Plugin, it’s now easier for content creators to adapt their articles for the social network’s mobile reader.

This plugin is the answer to those publishers who are still hesitant to use and work with Instant Articles. With this tool, publishers can easily use a WordPress template to activate the plugin and create Instant Articles. If you wish to have a more customized production experience, you may want to extend it to support other elements.

The WordPress Instant Articles plugin can be installed through GitHub and WordPress plugin directory. You’ll need to download it and install it to your WordPress site.

After installing the plugin, you’ll have to connect your site’s RSS feed to your Facebook Page. To do this, you have to go to your Facebook Page and visit the Admin settings. From there, you can choose the Instant Articles from the menu and add your RSS feed.

You’ll need to wait for Facebook’s approval. The social networking site has to verify that all Instant Articles from your site are properly formatted and met the community standards before it can start pushing content to the social media site.

Now, if your RSS feed is approved, all new articles coming from your RSS feed would be provided to your readers on their Instant-Articles-enabled devices with your content in an Instant Article form.

Instant Articles Library

All published Instant Articles, as well as the drafts, are available in your library. To view it, you may click the Publishing Tools from the top of your Facebook Page. Choose Instant Articles.

Facebook and Its WordPress Plugin

Why choose Instant Articles?

Choosing to install Instant Articles WordPress Plugin allows your content to load speedily on Facebook. Keep in mind that loading time is vital to a user experience. A single delay can automatically result in conversion loss.

Some publishers are worried that they could no longer measure page views of their articles. But fear not as you can still see these details through an analytics tool, like Google Analytics. You can do so by integrating the data correctly.

It’s true that Instant Articles is still new, but it does show promise. There are several reasons to wary, but it’s not yet time to make a conclusion on how this new feature will affect publishers.

On another note, there are plenty of reasons for you to consider Instant Articles. If you’re not sure how to install the plugin on your site, let us help you by calling us today: