Effective Ways to Boost Your Attorney SEO

Attorney SEO
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Managing your own law practice can be a time-consuming endeavor. On top of dealing with a roster of clients, you also have to navigate the particulars of operating a business. This means developing and adhering to an effective marketing strategy. While word of mouth is still crucial to success in the legal world, your digital presence is also a critical tool for attracting new clients. If your attorney SEO is lacking due to a dearth of time or resources, you could be missing out on valuable conversions.

Search engine optimization (SEO) means getting your website in front of relevant eyes. Creating SEO-minded content is compulsory for effective digital marketing in 2022, and by understanding which measures you should take to improve your website, you can better climb Google’s search engine results page (SERP) rankings.

Putting User Experience at the Forefront

If you have put a considerable amount of work into your website, it is understandable that you are proud of what you have created. Tailoring thoughtful content, making elegant design choices, and ultimately achieving your desired aesthetics is a major accomplishment, and you may find yourself being a bit precious about making changes. The truth is, though, if users do not enjoy being on your site, you are losing money.

User experience (UX, for short) is an incredibly important facet of SEO success. Solid UX means having a site that is easy to navigate, provides users with value and drives conversions. One simple and absolutely necessary way to improve your site’s UX is to ensure that it is optimized for mobile viewing.

Think about how you search the web. Chances are, you pull out your phone, open Chrome or Safari, and type in what you are searching for. The days of firing up a desktop computer to browse the web are waning if not gone completely. Your site needs to account for how your audience is likely to view it. This means no large, horizontally-oriented images, and short, scannable blocks of text, typically no more than six lines per paragraph.

Strategic Content Choices Offer Attorney SEO Value

If you have a working knowledge of SEO as a concept and practice, you may have an understanding of the importance of keywords. While it is true that you want to place keywords thoughtfully within your content, wedging a few law-based keywords into your headers is no longer deemed a best practice.

Google and other search engines are placing more and more importance on well-written, nuanced content. As you want your page to offer expertise and authority, ensuring that you are composing legally sound blog articles and internal page content is key. Not only do algorithms increasingly appreciate this, but you are also more likely to generate backlinks from other sites if they deem you to be credible.

You also need to think about the search intent of potential clients, and how that fits into their “buyer’s journey.” You can think of it as sort of a chain of events: A person has a legal need, they perform a Google search to get answers to their question, they visit a site, they make contact. In order to get from that initial point to the conversion, you need to design content that is going to offer helpful information while also presenting you as an authority that can be trusted.

On Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EAT)

You have probably noticed that the words expertise, authority, and trustworthiness have come up a few times in this article. Not only are these desirable qualities that you want for your firm, and by extension, your website to have, they are pivotal to your SEO health. Google page raters, the individuals tasked with reviewing pages for their SERPs, are being instructed to put more and more weight on these EAT categories.

So, how can you ensure that you are doing your best in these areas? Firstly, you should look at how you are making content. Are you using experienced authors? Bloggers with J.D.’s? Are you citing reputable law journals or other trusted sources? Creating accurate, linkable content is a great way to improve your SEO and potentially generate conversions.

Good reviews are also your friend when it comes to SEO. Encourage your clients to leave feedback on Yelp! or Google. Not only does this look good to search engines, but it also creates trust between potential clients and yourself. The truth is, when looking for an attorney, people want to trust who they are working with.

If you are looking to strengthen your SEO strategy but lack the time or resources to do it yourself, contact Website Depot today at 888-477-9540. We offer a number of helpful digital marketing solutions, from web design to social media marketing, to online reputation management and more. Schedule a consultation today to learn how we can help your business.