Connecting to Skeptical Customers With Your Marketing

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When you read tweets or blog posts from a company, does it make you feel more skeptical? Have you been interested in a company and then, after having seen some of their content, found that you lost interest?
You certainly aren’t alone.
That’s happened to just about all of us.
The trick, of course, is to make sure that folks never feel that way about your company, about your marketing.
Essentially everywhere you go in life, everywhere you look, there’s some form of marketing.
You don’t want folks to feel skeptical about your company, what you can do and what you have to offer.
By that same token, you don’t want to be so passive and “mealy-mouthed” that you don’t include a call to action, that kind of thing.
After reading this article about how “lawyers are skeptical” about marketing for our personal injury lawyer SEO work, I thought of some ways to keep folks from feeling doubtful and unconvinced about your marketing.
“Show, Don’t Tell”
That’s an old line about screenwriting, of course, but it also applies to making sure that folks treat your marketing with less skepticism.
People tend to feel skeptical about marketing when they feel that they’re being deceived or even lied to. They may also feel that way when it seems like you don’t put in much effort.
It’s very easy to say: “we’re the very best personal injury attorney in the area.”
It takes much more effort to say: “We are in The National Top 40 Under 40 Trial Lawyers, have an Avvo Rating of ‘Excellent,’ and have been honored as one of the ‘Super Lawyers’ in Los Angeles.”
You’re saying the same thing, of course. “We’re the very best personal injury attorney in the area.” But, you’re saying it in a way that lets someone else come to that conclusion – you aren’t just bragging.
Even if you had to shorten that for a tweet, you could include a link to a page that explains your accolades.
This is one of those instances where you really can equate “marketing” to “conversation.”
If you’re talking to someone, and they just up and tell you they’re the “very best” at something, you’re liable to be skeptical at best, if not outright put off.
But, if they tell you what they’ve done and given you some proof, you’re far more likely to be interested.
The same applies to marketing.
Specificity is Authenticity
Now, you might be thinking: “OK, but you used an example of a great attorney with plenty of awards and accolades. How does it work for a store or a restaurant?”
The way then to “show, don’t tell” is to demonstrate your authority.
You have a restaurant, link to pictures of your best food. Include what’s in there. You can say “we have the best pizza in Van Nuys,” but make sure to tell us everything about it.
This is where “how to” pages and videos are great.
You can tell us “we have a unique way of making pizza,” but seeing it with our own eyes will be far more effective.
There’s no real way to “skeptic-proof” your marketing.
But, by being direct, forthright, real, and honest, you have the best chance of connecting to folks and keeping them from being skeptical.
For more, you can reach us at (888) 477-9540.