Digital Marketing Agency Case Study: Insight Treatment
Insight Treatment is an institution dedicated to the recovery of adolescents from substance abuse. They provide support to teenagers and their families through group and individual therapies, counseling, summer programs, among other services.
Insight Treatment is the leader in providing intensive outpatient treatment for teens and adults who struggle with mental health and substance abuse issues. It has locations in El Segundo, Van Nuys, Pasadena, Santa Clarita, Modesto, Merced and El Monde.
This institution is one of the first drug and alcohol outpatient treatment programs for teens in Los Angeles. It has evolved into more than just a teen drug rehabilitation program. Insight’s team specializes in addressing chemical dependency, self-harm, dual-diagnosis/co-occurring disorders, along with behavioral and emotional problems in teens.
Prior to Website Depot (WD), the treatment center hired a digital marketing agency to build an attractive website. And the agency did a tremendous job. But it wasn’t built with local SEO in mind. The website focused more on aesthetics, rather than being found on local search results and getting visitors to convert.
Recovery centers are amongst the most competitive topics on the internet, especially in California and Los Angeles area. Keywords related to such queries have an extremely high volume and it’s a challenge to rank on the first pages of search engines. Thus, Insight Treatment had an important difficulty to make a difference in a highly demanded market.
The Website Depot’s team showed the company what investing in SEO could do for its treatment center. In 2015, Insight Treatment bought WD’s Local SEO, social, and Adwords services. The company wanted the local SEO for rehab centers to boost Insight Treatment so that it would show up when clients are searching for one. The company understood that the local campaign was fierce. WD team plugged in Insight Treatment’s competitors, studied what they were doing, and started optimizing the center’s website. To complement the local SEO campaign, WD’s team started promoting Insight Treatment on various social media platforms and initiated a Google Ads campaign. WD also revamped the site to drive organic traffic continuously.
WordPress was the platform of choice to develop Insight treatment brand new website insighttreatment.com. It’s ease of use and SEO tools made it ideal for the site’s needs of constant blog posting and continuing promotion of the services published in the sites.
Website Depot is a Premier Google Partner company that complies with the most up to date and recommended practices in order to achieve SEO and PPC success. Insight Treatment optimization plan was customized based on the unique opportunities we identified for it. The main goal was to get qualified traffic and visitors and convert them to leads, calls, and eventually, sales.
We adapt the strategy for Insight Treatment every month, so we can dedicate our time to the highest yielding activities. By client’s request, we also included Insight Treatment in a list of 35 directories selected by them. This special service is part of Website Depot’s customized marketing strategies, and leads additional traffic to the website. For quicker results, we also implement paid advertising solutions, always with the client’s previous agreement.
To get the most accurate keywords and keyword phrases, we analyze the most popular keywords across major search engines and studied the competing websites using top-notch paid tools and our 10 years experience.
The main SEO objective for Insight Treatment was to place their website within the top positions for most of their keywords on all major search engines within 3-9 months of project initiation. Less competitive keywords provided results in 60 days or less. The most competitive keywords may take up to 8-10 months to get long term results.
Within those periods of time (and even earlier) Insight treatment website reached the first pages of search engines and keeps on getting high rankings in the high competition category of addiction rehab centers.
Insight Treatment was amazed by the results from buying those WD’s services. After just a few months of hiring Website Depot, the treatment center has seen an 85% revenue increase. Sign-ups are pouring. It’s ranked number 1 for the key phrase “teen alcohol counseling Los Angeles.” It’s also on the top 10 for keywords, like “teen counseling,” “teen counseling Pasadena” and “teen drug rehab centers.” Its Google Ads campaign is also raking an ROI of over 151%. It has beaten each goal it has set.