Basic Guide on Drug Rehab Marketing

drug rehab marketing

When it comes to drug rehab marketing (or really, anything else in marketing) sometimes, it makes sense to take a step back and focus on the fundamentals. 

You can do that when you’re “in a rut,” when you’re looking for new ideas, and so forth. Many will go back and look at the basics before they begin work, almost as a refresher course. What’s below may seem rudimentary to many of you, yet there may also be something new to you or possibly even something you’ve forgotten. 

drug rehab marketing

Great Content and Great SEO Need to Work Together

You want to have the best content possible on your website. This content should showcase your rehab center’s authority, what it is that you offer, client testimonials, your facility, and so much more. Content can be in the form of explanatory blogs, videos, podcasts, tips on how to prepare for rehab, services and amenities you offer, and so much more. 

Client Testimonials Can Help in Multiple Ways 

In essentially any business’s digital marketing strategy, client/customer testimonials can be effective. In drug rehab marketing, they can be even more so. These testimonials show those that may be struggling with addiction right now exactly how you can help them. So, you want to make sure that your testimonials are as easy to find as possible. Prominently display them on your site, your Google My Business, your social media, and so much more. 

If you don’t have many testimonials yet for your facility, it doesn’t hurt to ask. You’ve helped so many to lead the lives that they want, many would probably be happy to do so. Additionally, you can give them a gift for doing so, some incentive, and so forth. 

These don’t just help with prospective admits, they can help with your Google Ranking, too. See, Google rates rehab facilities in large part on “authority” and “trustworthiness.” Both of those can be helped greatly by these testimonials. They really do show your rehab at its very best. They can also help in being promoted by third-party review sites as well. 

drug rehab marketing

Display Reviews from Outside Sources, Too 

There are plenty of third-party review sites/outside groups that review and rate rehab centers. If they give you a positive review, a nice mention, that’s golden. Just one of those can go a long way towards showing your facility as more authoritative, more trustworthy. They can help your SEO ranking, too. 

See, in SEO, there’s a thing called “off-page optimization.” Part of that is getting positive mentions and backlinks from high-authority sites. The more of these you have, the better for your site. Many of these third-party sites have plenty of authority, so getting backlinks and mentions from them can be great on multiple levels.

While some of these sites might seem like “niche listings,” they actually hold quite a bit of sway. Some examples include, Psychology Today, and other similar sites. 

Social Media the Right Way 

To help your drug and rehab center stand out from the rest, you want to do right by social media, too. Social media, in and of itself, isn’t a Google Ranking factor exactly. But, by having a robust, effective social media presence, you can connect with more and more people who could use your help. 

Social media is, for a drug and rehab center, an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to show what’s great about your staff and facility, of course. But, it’s also an opportunity to talk to those in need, particularly those who are looking for more information, who are struggling, and maybe aren’t yet at the point where they can pick up the phone and talk to someone about treatment just yet. 

It’s natural to, sometimes, think: “that all sounds great, but what do we post on social media?” The answer is simple: what you think someone needs to hear. Perhaps it’s information that you would like family members and friends of those struggling with addiction to know. Maybe it’s just something inspirational to help someone having a rough day, or even how to avoid relapse, and so much more. 

Focus on Local SEO 

When it comes to SEO for alcohol and drug rehab facilities, you want to focus on SEO in your area, in your neighborhood. The truth is that some people, perhaps not understanding exactly how SEO works for a center like yours, try to rank towards the top of keywords that aren’t connected to a location. That can ultimately harm your business, as you’re spending money to reach people who aren’t in your area. After all, as you know, a strong majority of folks who go to drug and alcohol rehab do so in their area. 

So, you want to make sure that you focus on the right keywords for your center. “Drug and alcohol rehab in Silver Lake,” “alcohol detox in Van Nuys,” and so forth – the keywords in your neighborhood can provide a great foundation for better connecting your facility to those in need in your neighborhood. 

drug rehab marketing

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Marketing Partners 

You may have read to this part of the blog and thought: “Wow, that all sounds great, but it also seems like a lot of work.” It is. You know how much work goes into the day to day operation of a drug and alcohol rehab facility, so it makes sense that, on top of that, you don’t want to have to deal with all of this as well. But, you can rest assured that other facilities in your area are doing much of (if not all of) what you’ve read above. 

Those are just some of the reasons to work with a digital marketing agency that helps drug and alcohol rehab facilities. Here at Website Depot, we’ve helped so many to grow their facility’s presence online, to get their Legit Script certification, and to be able to help more people. For a free consultation with our alcohol and drug rehab marketing pros, call (888) 477-9540.