4 Top Tips for Working with a Web Designer

a web designer

In the times we live in now, as a business or brand you can’t afford to not have a website, and even more so you can’t afford to have a bad website either. Hiring a web designer is your best option for creating a unique website that stands out from the crowd while ticking all the right boxes.

For the process of designing a website to go smoothly and result in a great end product, you need to find the right web designer. Not to mention, you need to have a good relationship with them to ensure you don’t hit any speedbumps along the way.

Here are 4 tips to follow when working with a web designer:

#1 Acknowledge their Expertise

Creating a website is quite a large and complex task even with the vast amount of site builders and templates available online today. While it’s possible to DIY your website, working with a designer can ensure you get it done right.

Trust that their recommendations are based on experience and good reason, even if it’s not what you had in mind. You need to trust their professional expertise.

a web designer

#2 Prepare

For your web designer to create the best possible site for you, you will need to provide as much detail as possible for them to work with. Problem-solving is a skill for designers, so they will use what you give them to find the perfect solution to the problem.

The more information you provide, the better they’ll understand your needs and expectations. In addition, the quicker you provide all this information the sooner your designer can get to work, so don’t take your time.

Your designer will also need content to populate your site. Remember they are not magicians, so you will need to provide any copy, imagery and other assets that will give your site life that is, the purpose of having the site in the first place.

#3 Communication

Communication is key in any relationship, and the same goes for your relationship with your web designer. Be sure to keep communication channels open during the design process at each stage. This will ensure that you are providing clear and constructive feedback that your designer can put into practice, ensuring a satisfactory final product that is delivered in a timely fashion.

#4 Keep Things Simple

While your designer will want your input on the project, don’t take over their role. Avoid making too many changes to minor details that are probably there for a reason. Remember the trust factor from point #1.

If you want to change something, determine whether it’s a subjective opinion or it really will affect the overall performance of your site and impact your turnover. On the same note, don’t involve too many people in the process.

Don’t ask every member of your family for an opinion of the site during the creation process. Ever heard the phrase “too many cooks spoil the broth”? Their opinions may cause you to doubt decisions and more than likely annoy your designer. After all, you did hire them because they are the expert.